Big News

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Robins P.O.V.

"Yo, Rob! Wanna play!" Cy asked me. I turned around to see him waving around a controller, a big grin plastered across his face. I smiled and was about to nod when I remembered what today was...


Momma and Poppa were swinging through the air flawlessly. Today was a big show for them and it was going to be my first time being in an act in front of a lot if people.

All of the twist's and turns were mesmerizing...until the wire broke. My little brother jumped to his feet, and I was glued to mine. We watched with wide eyes as they fell to lifeless lumps on the ground. There were gasps and screams all around me, but all I could focus on were Momma and Poppa. I started running to them...they couldn't...

"Momma?! Poppa?!" I sobbed "No no no no no...please! Momma! Poppa!" I shook them hoping they would wake up. I heard a gunshot and turned around. My little brother Danny was right beside me.

"Why won't they wake up..." he whispered to me. I started to shake my head, unable to speak. He was too little to understand...they were dead.

I heard another gunshot. I grabbed Danny and ran. He was three and I was Five, but he was still a lot smaller than me. I hid him under one of the seats.

"Stay here. If they find you run!" I told him hurriedly. He nodded.

"Dick, what about you?" he asked me, filled with worry.

"I'll figure something out, okay? And then we'll be safe, the both of us together. I promise." I told him.

I ran out into the open and scurried behind a giant crate. There was a man talking. I didn't hear much...but I heard enough. They wanted me and Danny gone...forever. they wanted us dead.

I ran back over to where I left Danny and he was gone. I looked everywhere for him. I checked to see if the bad men had taken him, but they didn't.

I kept searching for hours...but he was nowhere I looked.

A big man cane up to me and kneeled in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked, almost crying.

"I know the men that did this to your parents. I can help you find him, but you'll need to come with me." he got up and walked away. I reluctantly followed him. When I caught up I asked him a question.

"Mister...what's your name?" I said, grabbing his pant leg and looking up at him. He picked me up and held me in his arms.

"You can call me Bruce." he smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded. I looked over his shoulder to where I had left Danny.

"Don't worry Danny...i'll find you..." I whispered to the circus tent disappearing into the sunset.

End Flashback

"Sorry Cy...not today." I said to him sadly, getting up from my seat in the kitchen and going to my room.

"Aww! Dude! Come on! Just one game!" Beast Boy yelled, begging as I walked through the double doors. I sighed and shook my head.

I walked to my room and punched in my code to unlock the door. I walked over to my desk and sat down. I started searching for my brother. I promised him that we would be a family...that we would stay together. I don't break my promises.

..........Line Break..........

I was on the computer for a few usual I found nothing. I groaned and wiped my face with my hands.

I heard the house phone ring, so I got up and went to the living room. The rest of the titans were there, Raven had the phone to her ear and everyone was crowding around her.

"Robin...a man named Bruce wants to talk to you, he said its improtant." Raven said cooly in her monotone voice. I got mad, what did he want?

I walked over and grabbed the phone from her hand. I mumbled a 'thanks' and sat down.

"What do you want?" I growled into the phone. The rest of the titans looked at me with shocked faces.

"There's a kid here..." He said slowly.

"And that involves me how?" I spat into the phone. They were all staring at me, trying to listen to the conversation.

"He said his name is Daniel..." Bruce said. I never told him about Danny...never. My heart started racing and my voice caught in my throat.

"...W-what?" I stuttered, unable to couldn't be Danny, it couldn't-

"Daniel Greyson." He said, forcing me out of my thoughts.

"Oh my God..." I whispered into the phone. I heard Bruce sigh and continue talking. Raven and Star floated away from the conversation. BB morphed into cat and sat on my lap, purring. Cy kept his distance and sat at the opposite end of the table.

"He ran into my house...Dick...he was running from someone, being chased. He got shot down, in my house..." He said carefully, like he didn't want to remember.

"...h-how-" I stuttered.

"By government agents." He finished, venom lacing his words.

"Oh God...please tell me he's okay..." I whispered...pleading. I was starting to tear up.

"He's stable, he just woke up from a 15 hour coma. He's in the shower right now...but there's something else..." He continued, carefully. I wasn't sure I wanted to know, but I asked anyway.

"What is it?" I said hesitantly.

"I can't tell you...he'll have to show you...but I think you're the only one who could help him." He sighed.

"How?" I asked, completely confused.

"Come pick him up. careful. He's not very...trusting." He said wearily. I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"When should I come?" I said firmly. I needed to know.

"Immediately." He said, and hung up the phone. BB got off of my lap and morphed back into his human form.

"Dude...who was that?" BB asked me.

"It was Bruce, my...friend." I said carefully. I didn't want to tell them that Bruce was technically my dad.

"Yo, where're you goin'." Cy asked me when I kept walking. I didn't even turn around when I responded.

"I'm going to go pack." I told them as I walked out of the room.

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