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Robins P.O.V.

Once the domes dissipated, me and Bruce ran to Danny.

"Oh my God! Danny!" Danielle screeched at my brother and tackled him. He smiled as he was tackled to the ground.

"What were you two thinking? We could have helped." I scolded them, even though I was beyond worried.

"Yeah Dude! Totally not cool, even though you did kick some butt! It wasn't cool." Beast Boy said, flailing his arms and helping Danny up from the ground. Once he was back on his feet, he groaned and grabbed his head, falling to his knees in the process.

"Friend Danny! You have been hurt!" Starfire exclaimed catching Bruce and Cy's attention.

"Yo, Robin...we have to get him back to the tower. I have to clean him up and address his wounds..." Cy said to me, voice worried.

"They look bad." Danielle stated, clearly panicking. "It's okay're going to be okay..." she told him in a comforting tone. He nodded and closed his eyes. I turned to Raven, my eyes worried and frantic. She walked over to him and started to check for internal wounds

"I can teleport us there, it'll be quicker...hes losing a lot of blood and I don't have enough energy to heal him completely." She said, showing her concern.

"Just be careful..." I whispered to her. "...I don't want anybody to get hurt more than they have to." I gave her a pointed look, but she just nodded and teleported us to the tower.

........Line Break........

When we arrived at Titans tower, Cyborg and Bruce immediately took Danny and Raven to the medical room. I was so focused on the rise and fall of Danny's chest, I wasn't paying attention to Cy's and Bruce's obviously serious conversation pertaining my little brother.

Star and Dani were crying silently after Danny didn't wake up for half an hour. BB is currently a kitten on Danny licking his paws and providing comfort, even if he is unconcious. Danny is still in a coma, but I don't blame him. Raven checked herself out and went to her room to meditate.

........Line Break........

1hour later, I'm still in the med bay waiting for Danny to wake up.

The doors hissed open and someone walked up to me. I didn't even look up, it thought it might be Cy, but I was wrong.

"I need to talk to you." Ravens voice was almost inaudible behind me.

"What is it Raven? Everything okay." I asked with concern. She usually didn't come up to me to talk, so something big must be bothering her.

"With me, yes but Danny..." She trailed off and looked at Danny, concern showing through her eyes.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, turning back to face my brother.

"When he was fighting, he...turned into something..." She said, nervously twirling her cape with her hands.

"What do you mean?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

"Something like me..." She whispered, looking at her feet.

"A demon?" I asked.

"No...not a was more powerful than that..." She muttered and turned to face me.

"What was it?" I whispered, more to myself, but she answered anyways.

"I believe its a part of him, like from an alternate future...but it's dark...and evil..." She spoke up, voicing her thoughts.

"Can we get rid of it?" I asked with dertermination, because I'll do anything to help my brother, god dammit!

"I don't think we can, I think he has to...since it's a part of him. Just like the rift between me and my father. only I can do that...but he has such strong mental walls, I can't penetrate them..." She informed, grimly. I nodded.

"The prophecy said you two will rid of twin entities that try to claim their you think that's what it is...Danny's evil power in him." I asked, trying to assess the situation with the info I've just been given. She shook her head.

"He doesn't have evil power in him, not like this. That thing is like my inner demon, it'll only come out when I'm mad or lose control, and any other time I'll be fine..." She said, her face going dark like mine.

"So we'll have to wait this thing out." I grumbled and looked at her.

"I honestly don't think we have to. Whatever's inside if him can come out...completely. It doesn't need a vessel and it isn't bound to him spiritually, it just wants his power...that's all it wants." She said and closed her eyes. She reached out to Danny and started to heal some of his small injuries. After about 10 minutes of silence, I spoke up again.

"Can you help him?" I asked shyly. She froze momentarily and looked at me.

"Why me?" She whispered, wide-eyed.

"You two are bound together by fate...if anyone can help him try to control can..." I said after she continued to heal him.

"That's another thing..." She trailed off. "Whatever's in his head...I can feel it...I can hear it...and whenever he gets hurt, I do too. Earlier when he was pulling that tracking device out of him, I felt it. It was like a hand roaming aimlessly in the inside if my body, and the pain was unbearable. When he froze his chest, mine got cold...i don't know why, but I think-"

She got cut off by a deep voice.

"Time out!" A transparent figure with a staff yelled. Me and Raven turned to face him, shocked.

"What the hell?!" I screeched and jumped into a fighting stance.

"Who're you?!" Raven said after me, scared and showing it, but nothing blew up. She tried to blast him, but her powers didn't work.

"All of your questions will be answered if you come with me." He answered and waited for a response. We relaxed visibly, but stayed on guard.

"Fine." We both said with the same amount of enthusiasm. (There wasn't any.)

He opened a portal out of thin air. I was looking at him like he was insane.

"How do we know you're not one of Danny's enemies? How do we know you can be trusted." I asked, skeptically.

"I can assure you I am not his enemy, I am precisely the opposite." He said. He turned to Raven and bowed.

"Which means?" She asked and bowed back.

"I'm his mentor, Clockwork. Master of time." He said, reassuring us.

"Your the Clockwork? The son of Time and nephew of The Fates?"Raven said and straightened up immediately. He smiled and turned to me, a grim expression on his face.

"The one and only. Now, it would be greatly appreciated if you two would come with me. We have some matters to discuss pertaining your brother."

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