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I'm so so sorry I haven't been updating this book, like at all! It's been months since I've last updated and I'm sorry! I feel terrible for all of my loyal followers and readers. I have NOT lost any inspiration for this book, despite what you must think. I just haven't had a lot of time to update this one since I've been working on my other books and school work. I am on winter break right now, I had this week off, and next week.

If you guys are lucky, I will update it. I still have a mound of projects to work on, and literally just finished one an hour or two ago.

School sucks. Royally. It's literally a huge pain in my ASS.

BUUUUUT anyways, my fellow readers, I just wanted to inform you all on my current position. It sucks, and I'm mad at myself for not updating or writing more frequently, so please, please don't be mad at me.

If you have any ideasfor this books upcoming chapters, if you wanna just talk to me personally (I have no secrets people), or your like our resident alpha werewolf Derek (broody, and full of angst) please comment on here, or message me on Wattpad, and/or my Tumblr, which you will find on my info.

It means a lot to get your messages, and no idea is a stupid idea!



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