The Hound

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[A/N] I think it's been far too long since I've updated this story. Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like this chapter!



It's been weeks since Danny's talk with his brother, Dick, and his powers have been weakening. They can't figure out what's wrong with him, or why he's still destabalizing, but thy hope they find the serum soon. If they don't, not only will the prophecy not be fulfilled, but mankind, as we know it, will perish and feel the burns of a thousand suns dance across their flesh.

"The world is ending." A dark figure muttered, watching as the screens flickered in and out of time.

"As is his life." The ever changing lord said grimly, watching the current happenings of Phantom.

"The boy must be saved." The deep voice said, turning his burning eyes to face Clockwork.

"I cannot interfere."

"You must-"

"I cannot. The fates will not allow it."

"Then what do we do? I can't just float around and watch my apprentice fade into nothing while you act as a glorified blood hound." The Grimm Reaper spat out, glaring at his old friend.


"What, Clockwork."

"Go to him. Bring a Hound with you."


"He needs blood. The meta humans' blood isn't working, and neither is Jasmines. He's immune to it because of her mother." Clockwork said calmly. he was watching a single screen, one that showed the earth. It was not blue, it was not full of life. It was red, dark. a wasteland and a skeleton of the once blooming planet. Clockwork frowned.

"What does that have to do with the Hound." Reaper asked, watching the same screen. He was afraid, not only for his apprentice, but the world as well. If it was no saved, the godly balance between light and dark would fade into black. He would not allow that to happen.

"It's blood will make him stable." Clockwork murmured. He looked breifly to another screen. The one that showed Dan and Trigon ruling the people of earth. All of the heroes were killed during the fall of man. The meta humans acted as slaves to the two powerful beings, and the humans were hardly given a second glance. it was horrifying.

"What else will it do." Reaper asked, putting on his cloak and waiting to travel back to his realm to get his most trusted Hound.

"More than what he needs."


No One's P.O.V.

Danny watched his brother train Jazz for high above the training room. He was currently floating, looking down at the two and had a small smile on his face. It's been about a month and a half since they started going out and they were happy. Jazz was a strong woman, not physically like Star, but mentally. She could challenge Dicks mind, counteract his attacks and think of new strategies just as fast as the prodigy. She was tall, slender, quick, and although her hair burned just as bright as her mind, once you lost sight of her she was gone like a shadow in a dark place.

Danny looked around, moving to sit on one of the ceiling panels to keep watching the duo. Using his powers so much was starting to tire him evened faster and he knew he was already fading. his already slow beating heart was getting slower, and he felt as though he had the flu.

"What are you doing up here?" The smooth, monotone voice said from bedside Danny, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Danny hardly jumped, but being next to someone so warm, so alive, made him shiver.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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