"Half" Brother Part 1

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Bruce P.O.V.

"Want me to let it out? Bruce...get behind me and cover your ears." Danny mumbled to me quietly. I nodded and ducked behind him. I saw him split apart into 3 Danny's and let out a wail. It was a very sad wail and it sounded like a thousand weeping souls, crying out on their final moments. It destroyed everything in it's path.

My house was in ruins.

I looked over at Danny and saw him collapse on the floor from exhaustion. I sprinted over to him, worried.

"Danny! Danny! Are you okay?" I asked, mentally checking for any injuries. He had none, but he was weak to his knees.

"Yeah...I'll-I'll be f-fine..." He whispered and let his head fall slightly. I let him go to see if he was balanced. Danny took a step forward and stumbled. He started to fall to the floor, but I caught him in time. I heard a motorcycle engine come from behind, so I turned my head to see who it was.

A familiar red, black and green motorcycle stopped in the wreckage. Dick got off the bike and marched towards me and Danny. He pulled out two birdarangs.

"No! Dick, stop!" I yelled as I watched 2 birdarangs hit Danny's wrists. They turned into handcuffs and latched together behind his back. Two exploding disks were pulled out and thrown at Danny, freezing him to the wall. I looked at Dick and glared, but he walked right past me.

"Phantom, you are under arrest for the murders of Jasmine and Daniel Fenton, Samantha Manson, and Tucker Foley!" He yelled at Danny. Two familiar white rings appeared around Danny's waist, traveling along his body. It changed him back into the robe that he was wearing when he got out of the shower, except now it was dirty and torn. I stomped over to Dick.

"What did you do that for?" I said a lot calmer than I thought I could.

"Destruction of property, murder-" he started to say, crossing his arms.

"No, I mean freeze him to a wall and handcuff him. He was on the verge if passing out from exhaustion. None of that was necessary." I said, my headache getting worse.

"I was just taking a precaution-" he argued back. I shook my head.

"No, you weren't." I said while rubbing my temples. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Unfreeze and unhandcuff him and bring him to the cave. I'll need to readdress his wounds, check for any internal bleeding and/or broken bones..." I said calmly, walking over to the hole in the wall that lead to the Batcave.

"You want me to do what?! This man is a dangerous criminal, he's Public Enemy #1! He just recently escaped-"

"From a federal prison where they beat and tortured him!" I said, effectively shutting him up by raising my voice. I tried to stay calm...Dick didn't know yet that this was his brother. "Just...i'll explain in the cave...you know what, let me help you. You don't know where he got hit, I don't want you to damage him even more." I said, looking at Danny, but talking to Dick. Dick looked at me like I was crazy, but complied.

..........Line Break..........

We were down in the Batcave, I made Dick wait for me to finish cleaning up Danny's wounds. Right now he's practicing his flips and throwing angles. Since the last time I saw him, he's gotten a lot better. It makes me wonder how much I've missed...

I finished cleaning up the wounds and put clothes on him. They were mine, so they were a little big on him, but the covered him up.

"You can come over here now!" I called at Dick. He stopped punching and cartwheeled towards me. He landed right beside me, sweaty and panting slightly. Danny started to stir, he sat up and tried to talk.

"Ugh....what happened?" he mumbled at me. He looked at me and Dick a few times and started to blink rapidly. Neither me nor Dick were in our costumes.

"...uh, B-Bruce...w-who's that?" Danny asked me. He started to shake and his eyes were watering up.

He must not like being around new people. I thought to myself, a frown on my face. I nudged Dick with my elbow and nodded towards Danny. He looked at me and nodded. Dick stuck his hand out.

"My name is Richard Greyson. I'm Bruce's adopted son, but you can call me Dick." Danny's eyes widened at the name. He hesitantly took his hand and shook it. Danny looked at me, asking me if he could say his name and I shook my head.

"...I-I'm D-Daniel Fent-ton..." He said shakily. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Dick asked accusingly. Danny flinched at his words.

"Enough Richard." I said firmly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Fine." he huffed and turned around. When he was out of hearing distance, I started talking to Danny.

"Listen, Danny. I know he's not the brother you remember, he's not even the son I remember. But, know this. Just like you, he'll need time to adjust. I know it seems hard, but it'll be better, I promise." I told him quietly.

"D-Do you think he'll approve...of my ghost half?" Danny asked in a small, broken voice.

"Once he finds out the truth...yes." I said smiling. He smiled slightly and nodded.

"When should I tell him...about my ghost half, how I got it...o-or that he's my brother?" He asked again.

"I'll tell him that he's your brother, don't worry. I'm sure he'll understand." I said and walked off to go talk to Dick.

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