Return of Phantom

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Danny P.O.V.

After Bruce left, I undid the wrap he had put on my shoulder. There was a huge gash. It was already healing, but it would leave a very ugly scar. Ectoranium always does...

I wasn't in the shower that long. Probably less than 10 mins before the scars started to burn from the heat. At least I was clean.

I walked out if the shower and found a robe hanging in the door. I gladly put it on. It would cover my scars. I found a towel and opened the door, I started to dry my hair when I saw Bruce on the phone. I didn't hear the conversation, but I saw him hang up the phone and turn around to face me.

"That was a quick shower." he stated and I only nodded in response.

"How are you feeling?" he asked worried.

"...o-okay..." I said weakly. I walked over to the tv and grabbed the remote. "...c-can I?" I asked Bruce, waving the remote a little. He smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead." he said kindly. I nodded and turned to the tv. What I heard made my body go rigid. I started to shake violently as I continued to listen to the words on the screen.

"Notorious criminal Danny Phantom, also known as Public Enemy #1, escaped the facilities of the Guys in White yesterday. He was captured 2 years ago, arrested for the murders of Jasmine Fenton, Daniel Fenton, Samantha Manson, and Tucker Foley. If you manage to see him contact the Guys In White by the number posted below. If you come in contact with him, do not engage...Other news..." I zoned out, violent shakes maing their way through my body. Everything was moving in slow vision went hazy and I heard muffled voices. I fell to my knees and started to cry.

I looked up at Bruce and shivered. A blue whisp of air came out of my mouth and I gasped.

"Come on Danny. Come on out. Let go, and let me be in control. I know you want to...I can feel the fear making its way to me. I'm getting stronger..." I heard Dan say to me in my head, I started shaking it, clutching my temples in pain.

"...get out..." I whispered outloud. Btuce looked at me concerned. He was saying something, but I couldn't hear the words coming out of his mouth.

"Oh...poor, poor Danny. You think you can control me? After all this foolish were never in control to begin with..." he hissed at me, I started to pull at my hair.

"...I said get out..." I spoke firmly. I stared at the tiles below me, hoping that I would forget...that I wouldn't hear him.

"Tsk tsk tsk...foolish...that's what you are...a small, foolish little boy. You couldn't even protect the ones you love...from yourself..." he spat out venomously. I felt tears come spilling out of my eyes. I couldn't help it anymore...I screamed.

"Get out of my head!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Wind started to form all around and capture me in the middle. Everything in the room lifted off the ground and got caught with the wind. I cried out my ghostly wail. The wind was too strong, so my wail ricochet off the wind, right back at me. I was thrashing where I was. I felt Dan trying to pull out of me, but I locked him back up in the prison I created in my mind. The wind stopped and I collapsed on the ground.

Bruce sprinted over to me. The living room looked like it just got hit by a tornado.

"...I-I'm sorry...I-I don't...I-I didn't..." I tried to apologize.

"Shh. Don't apologize. It's okay, it's nothing a little money can't fix." he said quietly to me. I nodded, still shaking. A blue whisp of air came out of my mouth again. I started to look around the room.

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