⊱Chapter 7 🗡Beginnings of Courting⊰

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Managing to grasp onto reality I push with all the strength against Camron's chest. Sending him stumbling back, his legs hitting the edge of the bed, "Stop. We need to stop. This isn't right." I struggle to gasp out my thoughts, my hands wandering to my hair to destroy my semi decent ponytail.

Ignoring my comment he took a calculated step forwards, "What are you doing to me?" He brought his forehead t rest upon mine. I was positive he was about to bring his lips back to mine when the front door opened. We both froze as two people walked in yelling, "Avian where are you? We know you are here."

The tension from the situation behand slowly melting as I could deal better with angry men than deal with the feelings that festered deep within me, "Crap." I muttered as I briefly rested my head on Camron's chest.

"Who are they?" Camron whispered close to my ear.

Raising my head to look him in the eyes as I answered his question. "My arranged fiancées." Camron's jaw clenched as understanding dawned in his expression. Untangling myself from his arms I make my way into the living room area.

Bao stood up abruptly from the couch. "Avian, who is that?" anger filling his voice. His glare fixed behind me.

I glance back to see that Camron had decided to follow me into the living room. Double crap. Quickly thinking of an explanation I begin to fabricate a story, "Bao calm down." Holding up my hands in a calming gesture. "This is Camron. One of the mages I fought against in my final examination. He only came over to congratulate me on my success."

"Really?" He raised his one of his eyebrows at me, his tone full of doubt.

Oh no he didn't. Is he questioning me? "Yes, really!" I yell at Bao. My fists clenched at my sides, the knuckles turning white.

He seemed surprised at my reaction. Bao seemingly sized up Camron while he gruffly spoke, "My apologies."

Camron headed past me toward the door knowing I was giving him a way out of the present situation. "Well I must be off now. Congratulations again Avian. It was a very entertaining fight."

Waving once at Camron's retreating form I swivel back to the two men standing in my home. Crossing my arms I raise one of my eyebrows at them, giving them an 'I'm waiting' look.

Dax ran a hand down his face as he sighed. "Look Avian don't be mad at us. It was the King who told us that we needed to start courting you. That's why....."

"That's why I came to tell you to get ready. I am taking you out tonight. Dax will take you out tomorrow." Bao so rudely interrupted Dax.

"Fine, but after this only one of you can take me out once a week. The outings will switch on and off between the two of you. That way your chances will be equal and there will not be coveting. I also hold the right to deny your requests to take me out anytime I want, and I will not be bullied into going on dates with you. Got it?" Mainly keeping the glare locked on Bao, who shifted uncomfortably on his feet.

"Yes." Both answered.

Not taking the hint I won't be dominated Bao stepped forward trying to crowd me against the wall. His demanding side coming to the forefront, "Now about our date tonight. You need to wear something nice. Such as the gown that your Aunt Margret gave you on your birthday."

A sense of dread filling my stomach. Whatever was about to happen wasn't good. There were two things I hated most. One, wearing a dress and two, dancing. He already suggested the first one I pray he doesn't mention the second. "W-w-why?"

"It is a surprise. Trust me though, you are going to love it." He winked. With that said Bao and Dax left me alone in the cottage with my disturbed thoughts.

Having wasted enough time I dig through my closet looking for the freaking dress that I had to wear tonight while complaining the entire time, "I sure hope the surprise is not dancing." Finding the black with silver ball gown I eye it with distaste as I stepped out of my current clothes and pulled the dress on over my head. Snorting I grabbed a pair of breeches and tugged them on underneath the dress. I know it was un-lady like, but hey I needed a bit of comfort. I also made sure to a corset blade by my ribs on my left side inside the corset as well as a knife in each boot.

Fingering the necklace that Dax had given me I finally pick up the chain and place it around my neck. I then piled my chestnut brown hair on top of my head securing the locks of hair with the hair decorations from Aunt Radina. I let a good size lock of hair fall free to curl around the side of my neck and fall free over my shoulder.

Hearing a knock on the door I get up from my place before the mirror mildly appeased with my appearance. When I open the door a well-dressed Bao stood before me. Openly glancing over my appearance after I had opened the door. "You look wonderful." I note that he complimented me while openly gazing at my partially exposed chest. What a pig.

Making a noise of protest in the back of my throat he brings his reluctant green eyes up to meet my emotionless ones. "Shall we go?"

"Yes, we shall. If we do not hurry we will be late." Maybe if you had not spent all that time looking at my chest we would have been on our way by now, I mentally shriek at him.

Grabbing my cloak I wrap it around my shoulders making sure to cover the front of me, before I join Bao outside. Bao led me over to a waiting coach where he helped me step inside it. When we were finally in motion I asked the one question that had been running through my mind since he left earlier. "So where are we going?"

"We, my dear, are going to a ball that Duke of Amais is holding tonight." A bloody ball, great just great, so dancing will be involved, worst outing ever. "Do you know what the best part about tonight is?" He continued without my answer. "You are completely weaponless." He snickered.

I turned my face back to the window before I rolled my eyes. Sexist pig! My hand itching to touch one of my blades hidden in my boot. Obviously he doesn't know much about me, he easily forgot about my powers. Even if I am weaponless I am never completely without a weapon.


I will start writing Chapter 6 soon but I hope you liked Chapter 5. It was edited by my bestie, who is amazing, just saying. Also you should check out her works. She just finished a fantastic book called What is Death? Her user is UneekThompson. One more thing to add, the awesome new cover for Hidden Kingdom would not be possible with out GirlNextDoor4U, who was the one to design it. I encourage you to check out her other covers, they are worth the time to go look at them. Well that is all for now, thank you for reading.

Until next time, Comment, Vote, and Keep Reading. Laters, all you lovely people.


Let me know what you think about the chapter down in the comments. Also advice about how I can further improve the chapter is welcome. To those that are new to reading this novel just know that the majority of the novel is still unedited and I am slowly working to fix major flaws. So if anything doesn't make any sense just hold on for a bit while I continue to edit the novel. Thank you for your patience. 

Until next time, Comment, Vote, and Keep Reading. Laters!!!  

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