Crossed Worlds: Haikyuu!! x KNB VI

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Now that she has returned from the training camp, she is back "home" with her "brother" Ushijima. By morning, she sees France who seems to be waiting for something while listening to music with headphones on.


France: Hmm hmm~ *hums playfully*

Algaia: Umm... I'm not even going to yell at you or kick you out -_- but what's with that mood

France: Oh?

Algaia: ¬_¬

France: Nothing much. ^_^

Algaia: (CRAP HE'S SO—K-K-KAWAII!!!!) ( ⊙ _______ ⊙ )

Apparently, Algaia's heart was suddenly struck by an arrow to suddenly see him smile like that. Although he always smiles that way, he seemed extra cute in her eyes for some reason. Now then, within the blink of an eye, she was in the "other dimension" again, where she speaks to her past self who still has consciousness, since time was reversed.

Her Past Self: ...You should've realized by now.

Algaia: R-Realized what...?

Her Past Self: That Alistair right now isn't the Alistair who is in love with me... or us.

Algaia: W-Well that can't be helped since he lost his memories!!!

Her Past Self: I believe that Alistair... is the Alistair before we even met him.

Algaia: But he said something like "You look like her"! So my guess was he probably knows you, my past self!

Her Past Self: You don't remember much right now because I still exist in my spiritual form... but let me tell you that I really had a hard time... trying to get him to like me back then!=_=

Algaia: *tilts her head in confusion* Ha...? .__.

Her Past Self: That's why... do all that it takes to win his heart, so that he doesn't go anywhere else. That boy... he's just like Hellios in some way... looking forward to death—

Algaia: You don't have to tell me.

Her Past Self: :o

Algaia: You and I want the same thing. We want him back to us... and I'm going to do that. Getting him to like me even though we are so different may be difficult, but he still loved THIS me despite all of it. So I'll just to love the hell outta him until he loves me back... again!

Her Past Self: ^_^ Please don't end up like your past self...

With that said, the "other dimension" slowly fades away from her vision after she shared a courageous conversation with her old self... even though she knows that it may be hard to win him back, Algaia is determined to make France love her, with or without making him remember his own memories.

Algaia: O_O

The instant she is back to reality, she saw France whose face is so close to hers, staring at her with his pupils slightly dilated.

France: ...Just now, were you talking to someone.............?

He asked with a serious face but the moment she blinked, the person before her changed to the vision of Satori Tendo, who is Ushijima's volleyball teammate.

Tendo: Wakatoshi, is she ded? OvO

Ushijima: No, she's just like that.

Algaia: O______________O (Just now... did France interrupt time again because he noticed...? He noticed I was talking to "someone"...?) Oh, sorry about that! xD (BUT STILL WHAT IS TENDO DOING HERE?!?!?)

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