Chapter Seventeen

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Charlie's Point Of View
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I turn to face Jake to see his eyes were filled with pain.
I instantly felt bad.

"Jake, come on! I mean, it was just a drunk guy, and I took care of it anyway so it's no big deal."

He sighed as he got up out of the bed.
"You left, I didn't know where you were......"

"I was with the girls."

"But I didn't know that Charlie! I didn't know that you were gone! And with everything happening with you lately I want to be able to protect you!"

"Jake....... I'm sorry-"

"Charlie.......... I have been having a tough time with my family, I didn't want to tell you because of Richard but......."

"Tell me!" I pressured him as he runs his hand through his hair.

"You know how they wanted me to be a layer?"

I nodded as he came and sat beside me on the bed.

"Well, the other day they told me that they applied me for a college, and it is in England, and I got accepted."

"Okay, what does that mean?"

"I have to go to England."

Those 6 words were enough for my heart to stop. Completely.

"What? What do you mean? You can't!"

"I don't have a choice Charlie!" He said as the tears prickled in his eyes.

"Yes you do! It's your life, not your parents! If you don't want to be a lawyer you don't have to be, a musician, a football player, a preacher, anything!"

He looks at me with sad eyes as he sighs and places his hand on top of mine.
"I'm so sorry Charlie."

He wasn't even going to try to stay!
He was just going to give up!
I wouldn't let him.

I stormed out of the room as I went downstairs into the kitchen.

He was just going to leave me?
School ended in a few months, he would leave.

He told me he had wanted to go to Harvard, and I already applied there, so did he.

He was going to throw away his dream away to make his parents happy.

I grabbed my phone and stared playing 'I Really Don't Care By: Demi Lavato.

I started singing along as I heard someone singing along with me.
I turned around to see Rainer and Len.

"Hey." I said gloomy as I continued to poor me some milk.
It was our last night here and Jake and I were fighting. Just perfect.

"What's up?" Rainer asks taking a sip of my milk while Len went to get chocolate chip cookies.
I sighed as I took a seat next to Rainer.

"Jake is going to college in England."

They gasp as they look at me with sympathetic eyes.
They know we planned on going to the same college, we planned on spending the rest of our lives together. I know it's only been three months, but we love each other.
We wanted to get an apartment together while we were in college, we had everything planned out.


"His parents want him to become a lawyer and apparently they enrolled him in a school in England."

I sniffed trying to hide the tears away but I knew they were coming.
At least Len was coming back.
I had called Mr. And Mrs. Keller and they said it was fine, but I was still upset with Jake.

I'm Fine. Just Broken. (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now