Chapter Nine

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"Sam!" I yelled as the boy pushed me up against my locker.

"He can't hear you...... he's at basketball practice. And even if he was here, do you really think he would come and save you from the toughest guy in school?"

"Yes, I do." I choke out the words knowing that he will come.

The guy chuckled and shoved me onto the ground.

"Your useless! You think that your brother will always be here for you, well let me tell you something. Samuel is not always gonna be there for you, he will get a girlfriend and forget all about you in the snap of a finger!"

"Your only saying that because your upset that your sister is ditching you for a guy she just met." I say as I stand up and slowly back away knowing he will try to hit me again.

He walks over, his face full of rage, and then he comes like I knew he would.

He gets a tap on the shoulder and turns around to come face to face with my brother.

"I will never leave Charlie, no matter what! So don't you dare go telling her things that aren't true!" 

Samuel punches the guy, picks me up and takes my hand.

"I will never leave you Charlie."

"Jesus!" I yell as I jerk awake from that stupid nightmare, or a dream, or a flashback?                I honestly don't really know what it was!

The only I do know is the six words that he once told me, were a lie.

"I will never leave you Charlie."

I yawn as I get up to see bags under my eyes, and sweat all of my forehead.

"Great." I mumble as I go into my closet and pick out my outfit for the day- ripped leggings with a white lace t-shirt, and my combat boots.

I decide not to wear any makeup today because if I did, I would most likely want to rub my eyes and that is where all the makeup goes.

"Bye Mr. And Mrs. Keller!" I yell as I'm halfway out the door, but then remember someone special.
"Bye Ryder!" I stick my head back in the door and yell.
I hear a faint 'bye' as I shut the door and begin to walk to school.

I have now decided that I am not going to use my skateboard.
I guess I just feel a little childish, so I figured I would walk.
I would be a little late to class but whatever!

I run through the hallways not wanting to get a lot of attention as I run through the doors of my Math class.

Everyone's eyes turn to look at me.
I wave politely and look to see Jake and Rainer sitting together in the back.

The three of us had became good friends after the date Jake and I had a couple days ago.

"Miss. Campbell, why are you late?" Asked my teacher with a hand on her hip.
I knew she was waiting for a sassy response but I just simply told her that I had a nightmare including my brother and needed extra time to clean myself up.

  Everyone looked at me surprised at my manners, including Rainer, Hayden, Ace, and Angel.
Jake just simply gave me a grin and a nod before I headed back to my seat in the front of the room.

After class Rain, Jake, and I had decided to go eat lunch together.

I have been extremely proud of Rainer and I, after I told her how I felt about being so reckless, she told me who she felt, and it turns out she felt the same way but didn't want to disappoint me.
That had brought us closer together.

I'm Fine. Just Broken. (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now