Chapter Five

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Jake's Point Of View

I can't believe I let Andy drag me into this.

A room full on a drunken and sweaty teenagers.


I hope you sense the sarcasm.

I follow Andy into a big house that just happens to be the famous Angel Carter's.

I keep trying to see if Charlie was here but so far I haven't seen her.

"What are you doing in my house?" I heard a very high pitched voice yell.

I turn around to see Angel yelling at Charlie.

"I asked you a question!" Angel pushes as she tries to get an answer out of Charlie.

I could tell Charlie was trying not to break but by the look on her face i could tell it wasn't working.

So I decide to do what any gentleman should do..........

"Leave her alone Angel." I say walking up in front of Charlie.

'"Why do you care new boy? You shouldn't be around her anyway!"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Asked an annoyed Charlie as she walked under my arm to stand back in front of Angel.

"Everyone you care about dies." Angel says simply while shrugging.

I heard a small gasp coming from Charlie and I knew this would be World War Three.

"At least I'm not a selfish garden tool that guys use to feel better about themselves." She shot back.

Yep Charlie had reached her limit!

"I don't know what I have to do to tell you too back off. I don't have anything you want! Nothing! All of my family is dead! If I die that will be the end of the Campbell family.
You have everything! You ride in your pink mustang to school every morning while I am stuck riding my skateboard! You don't know what you have! Some people would kill to to have the things you have!" She said, but I could tell she was almost broken.

She walked up to Angel and is now a inch away from her face.

"You don't know what you have until it's gone."
She says with a lot of evil in her voice and backs up out of Angels personal space.
She then grabs her skateboard and storms inside.

Charlie's Point Of View

After I finished lashing out at Angel I walked inside to get a drink.
I thought about what Jake did while I was drinking.
He stood up for me.
And he barley even knows me!

   After I gulp down a few shots I wipe my mouth to see a very impressed Jake staring at me with his big blue eyes.

"You drink." He says very obviously.

"Yep." I say taking another shot.
But before I could Romeo here takes it out of my hand.

I give him a very annoyed look as he laughs.

I'm Fine. Just Broken. (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now