Chapter One

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I jerk away from my thoughts as the teacher calls my name and all my classmates eyes land on me.
"Do you know the answer?"
I look up at the board and quickly do the math in my head.

She nods as I put my pencil down.

Someone coughs under their breath as I sigh.
Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I'm a nerd.

Everyone starts whispering as I lean back in my seat.

"I wonder what she does for fun."

"Oh, I know! She does other people's homework! Well, she doesn't really have a choice but she still enjoys doing it anyway!"

I honestly don't know why they are talking!
I mean, I get that's I'm a smart person but I'm not even close to a nerd, and even if I was I shouldn't be treated this way!
No one should!

I don't even know why my friends are friends with me! They are all so popular and I am here getting picked on!
Sure, they always stick up and look out for me, but I can't have them in my back pocket for the rest of my life!

I was staring off into space, pretending to give a crap to all the gibberish that came out of our teachers mouth, when a guy with black hair, and blue eyes walks in.
He quickly looks at all of us, with his head held high, and puts up a piece sign.

All of my classmates start pointing and whispering, I'm not doing it though, I'm not an animal!

"I know you guys are jealous of my looks but staring is rude." He said in a deep voice as he makes his way to the empty seat, a few rows behind me.
He's............... something.

"Wow, who peed in his cereal?"

I turn around to the guy that said and glares at him.
"That's because staring is rude and uncalled for. If you all didn't stare, he wouldn't have to say anything at all."
He looks at me shocked, as I turned back around, to attempt pay attention to the rest of the class.


"He's weird."
One of my best friends Hayden says as we walk out of the classroom.
I sigh as he keeps talking.
"He is in my science class, and he is so....... so.....-"

"Much more popular than you."
I answer simply as my shoulder gets pushed.
God, I hate these halls! They are so tiny, how to they expect a crap load of teenagers to walk through a hallway that are as skinny as a poll?!

I whimper as I gain my balance and hold my shoulder, in pain.
I know, I'm weak, but in my defense that was a strong shoulder!
Nothing I can do about it.

"You okay?"
Hayden asks as he holds back a laugh.

"Shut up, Jones."

"Oh, you used the last name!"
He mocks me as I slightly shove him with me good shoulder.
We make our way through the sea of nasty, disgraceful, narcissistic, evil, and- (well, I think you get the point), people.

"I'll see you after lunch!"
He nods as he goes to the cafeteria while I go to the library.

Before you start, no, I am not one of those nerds that like to go to the library instead of the cafeteria.
I simply just like going to the library instead of the cafeteria........ I'm not a nerd.

I'm Fine. Just Broken. (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now