Chapter Four

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"Charlotte! It's time for breakfast!"

This foster family is killing me!
I know they are trying to be nice but come on, let me be!

I grab a black sweatshirt and jeans and combat boots as I run down the steps to see a family sitting at the kitchen table.

They were a really good family.
There was a little boy named Ryder and a mother Diamond, and the husband Daniel.
They are breakfast and dinner together everyday.
They were complete.
And I was almost 18, I wasn't going to be here for much longer so there was no reason to get attached to them.

"Good morning." I say to them as I sit down at what they said was my seat.

"Good morning Charlotte." Says Daniel or Mr.Keller.

I didn't tell them that I like to go by Charlie because my friends only call me Charlie and like I said...... I can't get too attached.

"Anything special going on today?" Mrs, Keller asked Ryder while taking a bite of a pancake.

"The visiting author is coming to school!" He says as he gets all excited.

I smile.
I remember when I was little I loved the visiting authors. They told their story from their Point Of View.

"Who is it?" I ask while taking a sip of my milk and making eye contact with Ryder.

"Jiminy Cricket." He says with a grin on his face.
I laugh and play along with his joke.
Ryder was 10 so I knew he would get the joke.

"Well, tell Jiminy Cricket I said hi."

Both of the parents chuckle at my joke and continue eating.

"I like you." Ryder says which really takes me back by surprise.
I could tell he looked disappointed when I didn't say anything back at first.

"I like you too Ryder." I say grinning as I get up to go to school.

I was putting in my locker combination when I heard someone attempt to talk to me.

"Oh my god!" I yell as the tears start to stream down my eyes!
"I missed you Charlie." She says as she pulls me into a big hug.

Her name is Rainer and she was my best friend before she moved to North Carolina a few years ago.
We talked in the phone everyday and promised we'd be the same when she came back.

"I missed you too!" I say as I pull back from our hug to see people staring at us.

"You know, I think class starts in about 3 minutes so you all can go now!" Rainer says as she turns around at the people staring.

"Come on, C! Let's cause some trouble." She says as we hook arms just like old times.

    We literally waited outside the classroom for 20 minutes just so we can make a grand entrance.

We made sure we looked 'bad' and connected our arms back together and flew the door open.

"Oops!" I giggle looking down at my combat boots.

Everyone looks at us with awe...... and what made it even better was that Hayden, Ace, Jake, and Angel were all in this class too.

"Miss. Campbell......Miss. Montana."

"Oh yeah...... we came here to tell you something." Rain says as we walk over to the teacher.

"And what might that me?" Asked our teacher with a lot of sass.
Oops! Wrong choice!

"Sassing people is not very nice." Rain says as he puts her arm on my shoulder.

"Barging into class is not very nice either but here we are." The teacher said placing her hand in her hip.
The whole class snickers and laughs.

"You know what I did to Angel over there." I said pointing to her in the back of the room next to Hayden. "I'm not afraid to do it to you."
I said innocently as Rain snickers.

"And you should have gotten expelled."

"But I didn't."I say flinging my arms in the air.

"You two girls to the principals office. Now!" She says practically screaming.

"Screaming is going to make your voice sore." I say as me and Rain go to the back of the room and kick to people out of their seats.

Finally the teacher went back to teaching her boring class.

"You still got it." Rain says to me.
"Honey I never lost it." I say loud enough for every one to hear.

  Rain had taught me to not let people walk  over me like my dad wanted.
I learned to stick up for myself and start boxing, and most importantly, I made a best friend for life.

Me and Rain used to dance for fun.
Her parents kept telling us that we were really good and try out for the schools dance team. And honestly I want to do that with her.
There was a dancing competition for the school and the winners get 2000 dollars!

I know me and Rain could win!

   Me and Rain stood side by side the entire day, and me and her decided to go to Kelly's Diner after school.

When we arrived everyone from school was there including my friends, and Jake and his friend Andy.

Of course everyone was staring at us, but we have gotten used to it.

"So I was thinking........"

"Oh no that's never good!" She says as she starts laughing.

"Haha. Anyway........ there is this dance contest at the school and the winners get 2000 dollars!" I say excitedly.

She nearly jumps out of her seat when I told her!

"We have to do it!" She shrieks and we hold hands like we were still those silly 10 year old girls.

"Let's go outside and practice to see if we still got it!" She says as she pulls me out and we find a nice spot to dance on the concrete.

"Let's do our old routine kay?" I say as she nods and we start dancing.

We did back flips, summer slats, spits, and some just basic dance moves.
We still had it!

"Yes!" We both squeal as we finish and I play Justin Bieber as we continue dancing.

Jakes Point Of View

Everyone was normal at the diner until Charlie and her friend walked in.
They went to Booth and started squealing about some girly stuff I assumed.

   Then they got up and started dancing.
And they were really good.
And then I knew what they were talking about.
They were talking about dancing at the school contest.
I think they have a pretty good chance at winning too.

After a while I went home to see my little sister playing Grand Theft Auto on the couch.
I slide down next to her and watched her play.

Charlie is going in deep.
She is really Turing into a different person.
And I honestly don't blame her.
All of her family is dead.
She's the only one left and now she is going into foster homes.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Seeing as my sister was focused on her game I got up to see Andy.

"Wanna go to a party?"

I'm Fine. Just Broken. (Major Editing) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora