Chapter Six

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Charlie's Point Of View

I feel like crap!
I hardly drank anything at that party and yet I still have a hangover.
And I didn't-
Wait a second........
Who's house am I in?

I take a minute to look at my surroundings before I remember everything from last night.

I had laid my head on his shoulder......we had a moment.
But I can't get attached....... when I turn 18 I am going to get out of this small town in New Jersey.
There was nothing left for me here.

I got up and followed the smell of bacon down the stairs to see the one and only Jake Johnson cooking!

"Your a cook too?" I ask teasingly while sitting in the stool closest to him.
"I do a lot of things that you don't know about." He says as he winks and flips a pancake.

I cover my checks with my hair so he doesn't see me blushing like a fool.

"I called your foster Mom and told her you were okay and that you were with me."

I looked at him like he had just said Justin Bieber is gay.

"Don't worry, she just wanted you home by........ oh well look at that!" He says while looking at his watch.

I gasp as I run back upstairs to grab my bag and run back down the stairs.
But me being the klutz I am I fell down a fight of wooden stairs and fell on a hard wooden floor.
I had fell on my punching arm really hard.
I tried to get up when Romeo came and carried me bridal style to sit me on the counter.

He grabs the first aid kit in a cabinet in the kitchen and looks at the gashing wound on my right arm.
He cleans it while I have a few minutes to look at his features.

    He had really light, piercing blue eyes. And his hair. Oh my gosh. His hair is amazing!
It is a really dark black and right now it is slightly parted as he stressfully runs his hand through it.
    And he had a sharp jaw line with-

"Like what you see?" He teased taking me out of my trance.
"Yeah." I saw which causes me to get a long hard glance from Jake.

   After a few more minutes Jake finished wrapping my hand up in a bandage.

"Thank you." I whisper as I inspect my hand.
"No problem." He says back as we stare into each other's eyes.

"Can I take you out? On a date."

It took me a minute to realize what he had said.

"If you don't wa-"

     I cut him off by giving him a hug. And whispering in his ear " I would love to go on a date with you Jake!"

By the time I got back to my foster home it was 8:00 in the morning.

I had told Jake I would see him at school, and I am kind of not looking forward to going.

Not because of Jake though!

He's fine.

Its just............. I pretend I'm all tough and that I don't have feelings but I do, and I am starting to like Jake.

He is the first one who realized me acting all tough is an act. And that I am a really broken girl with no family, and he wants to help.

I'm Fine. Just Broken. (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now