Chapter Three

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I changed.

I put on booty shorts with a crop top and a black leather jacket.
I slipped on my 3 inch black boots as I walk out of my new foster house.
Uncle Richard had been shot not even a day ago and I am now a completely different person.
I dress differently, act differently.
And I am sad to say but I blocked everyone out, including Hayden and Ace.

I need to do something that will get the adrenaline running through my veins.

I continue to get ready as I curled my hair and put my makeup on.

I walked out of my plain white room as I walk the opposite direction of school.

I walked over to the sketchy part of town.........
I knew it would be dangerous especially since I was dressed like a hooker. But I needed to do something that would make the pain go away.

I find myself walking into a drug store and meeting a very handsome looking cashier.
"Hi." I innocently say as I make my way over to him.
"Hello sweetie." He says looking me up and down.
I pretend not to notice as I twirl my hair.
"Do you know where the sunglasses are?" I ask as I lean in a little closer to him.

He pointed to the shelf as I blew him a kiss.

I walked over to the shelf and saw one pair that I really liked, the drug store only had one left.... and it was 456.00 dollars.
I silently curse to myself as i look around to make sure no one is watching...... and luckily a another customer walked in and took him to the back of the store.

I quickly snuck the pair of glasses into my jacket and grabbed a granola bar.

"Thank you for your help!" I yell as he nods and goes back to what he was doing.

I silently high five myself as I walk out and then start running.

I look back around to make sure no one was following me as I ran into a wall.

He chuckled as he looked at me.

Nope definitely not a wall.

"Your the girl from the cafeteria..... and class." He said as he eyed me from head to toe.
I knew he was not checking me out but trying to understand what I was doing.

I grab the stuff out of my jacket and rip of the tag.
He looks at wide eyed as I walk to the side of the road and put the tag in the gutter.

I walk back to Jake and realize how tall his is, and yet I'm still in 3 inch heels.

"I didn't know you stole stuff." He says as he eyes the sunglasses resting on the top of my head.

"I didn't either." I say as I grab the granola bar and start eating it.
He looks at me with a weird expression on his face.
" I didn't eat breakfast." I shrug Of and decide to change the topic.
" I'm Charlie Campbell." I introduce myself.
"Jake Emmens." He says as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"Well it was nice to see you but I better go before they realize there 400 dollar glasses are gone." I say as I walk off but am stopped by a warm hand on my wrist.

"Don't steal." He says as he looks me in the eyes.
"Why not?" I asked trying to push an answer out of him.
He looked down at his hands and then looked at me again.
"I tried to act tough, to get attention, to be the so-called bad boy. But I just get into trouble. And I'm not gonna say I'm completely innocent but if I can help somebody not make the same mistakes I made I will."
I looked at him and really considered what he said. But then I remembered that I'm a lost girl. And I need to find who I really am.

I turn around and continue to run all the way back to school.

    By the time I get to school it's lunch time and honestly I wanted to make a grand entrance.

I'm Fine. Just Broken. (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now