Taemin: Ramen

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Reading, writing, fantasizing, ramen, these were the things that ran through his head that you were aware of. You just wondered if you could be an addition to his list. His chocolate brown eyes starred into yours as you spoke to him. His light blue hair flew perfectly in the slight breeze of the wind. His toned biceps stood out from his white tee shirt. You couldn't help but notice all his perfections as you had a simple conversation with him. The only bad side to your friendship was that he was just a boy from another school, and you were just a worker at his favorite ramen shop. The good thing was that he came often and you saw him everyday.

He laughed as you kept telling him about your day. As he came around, he was a daily customer and since you practically saw him everyday, you got to know the goofball. "You got a really funny life (Y/n)." he said as you finished. You blushed as he spoke in a gentle voice. "I know. But sometimes I wish I had a different life." You told him. "Why is that?" he asked. The truth was that you only wished you could go to his college. You were stuck at a different school, miles away from him. But as you got to know the boy, he grew on you and you began to have a huge crush on him. He was a sweetheart and a ball of happiness. That's what you loved about him. But your constant question was if he felt the same way. "Just cause..." you answered.

He continued on his 3rd bowl of ramen as you watched him from the stove preparing another bowl as he asked. "Your ramen is the best (Y/n)!" he said with a mouthful. You smiled at his face with noodles hanging out. "Swallow before you choke." You laughed. He did as you said and leaned his elbows on the counter. "So how's everything been going?" he asked. "At work?"
"Yeah. Anything new?"
"Well not really, just school, work, then home."
"Don't you every hang out with your friends?" he asked. You stopped stirring for a moment and looked at the boiling pot. "No...I don't have any." You answered. "What?! Why not? Some one like you should have tons of friends!" he said. "Well people are just consumed with drama these days."
"Man don't I know that!" he said as you set the 4th bowl in front of him. "Someone as cool and popular as you has drama?" you asked surprised. "Well I wouldn't say I'm popular. Not everyone likes me." He said. "That's impossible. You're too nice for that." He smiled at you with bright, white teeth that couldn't compare to the brightest pearl on the beach. "Hey! Since you have Saturday off, you can hang out with me and my friends!" he offered. "Really? You want to hang out with me?"
"Why wouldn't I? You're awesome!" he replied. You looked at him with a small smile and eyes that sparkled. You were truly thankful for him. "I'd love to hang out with you."

On Saturday all you could think of was picking out the right thing to wear. You wanted to look presentable, but cute. Enough to make Taemin have hearts in his eyes. As you finally picked out something appropriate, you headed over to the ramen shop where he told you to meet him. As you walked along the streets, you didn't really see anyone you normally did. You felt uncomfortable. They were all starring at you. Then a girl with long dark hair walked up to you.
"Excuse me but are you (Y/n)? She asked. "Umm...yes. Who's asking?"
"I'm Luna. I'm Taemin's friend. He told me all about you."
"Yeah! He talks about you a lot! You have no idea. I would say he likes you but I wouldn't know." She stated. You freaked out inside but acted cool outside.
"Aww, how sweet of him. Well he's my only friend so I have nothing to talk about but him."
"You don't go to our school do you?"
"Nope. I wish I did. They way he talks about all his friends is heart warming. I wish I went there." You told her.
"Well let's not make him wait any longer. C'mon. Change of meeting place." She said. She grabbed hold of your arm and smiled as she dragged you along. "Wait where are we going?"
"To the movies! I'm driving."

As she led you to her car, you noticed a couple of figures inside. 'Great, a car full of strangers. This is gonna be awkward.' You thought. "Hop in the back with the boys." She said. 'Boys?' As you opened the door, you were greeted with a smile. "Taemin ah!"
"Hey (Y/n)! You ready to meet my buds?"
"Don't call me that." You heard a deep voiced filled with annoyance. "This dark ball of anger is Minho." He said as you sat in between them. "Hiya!" you greeted. He looked at you and held up a hand as a 'wave'. And these two behind us are Amber and Key."
"Hey (Y/n)! It's nice to finally meet you." Amber said.
"Yeah he talks about you nonstop." Key said.
"Hyung !" Taemin yelled and then buried his face in his hands. You giggled at his actions. "It's ok Taemin." You said as you laid a hand on his shoulder.
He lifted his head and smiled at you. "Okay let's go!" Luna said happily as she drove off.

You reached the entertainment center filled with games, bowling, restaurants, and the movies all in one building. "So what movie are even seeing?" Minho asked. "Idunno. What do you wanna see (Y/n)?" Taemin asked. "Well, in all honesty I was thinking, it would be a little weird for us to see a movie. I won't get to know you guys all that much if we're quiet." You pointed out. "Oh yeah." Key said. "How bout we do some bowling?" Amber suggested. "Idunno if I have the money..." Tae said. "You probably would if you didn't spend it all on ramen." You said. The group laughed as you all walked to the bowling area.

Throughout the game, you were the 3rd best and Taemin trailed right behind you. As you got another strike, you bumped your score up to second. "Dammit!" Minho yelled. "HA! Getting your butt beat by a girl!" Taemin laughed at him. Minho glared at him but his best friend's smile caused him to smile along with him.
"Wow you're really good at bowling!" Luna said to you.
"Yeah I know." You said jokingly.
"Don't get cocky now." Taemin said.
"Or what?"
He crossed his arms and tapped his foot as he looked at you with his big brown eyes. You couldn't stop smiling. Out of no where, he picked you up bridal style and ran off with you.
"Taemin ah!" you yelled. As he headed for the front door of the building, the others watched. "How adorable!" Amber said. "Looks like he's finally gonna do it." Minho smiled.

As you got outside, he put you down and you laughed together.
"What was that about?" you asked smiling. "I just wanted to see how you would react."
"Sure." He had actually brought you out for another reason. His smile faded and his looks to you turned different. He looked at you with a different expression. It was soft and compassionate.
"Are you okay?" you asked him.
"(Y/n), I wanna tell you somethin'."
"What is it?"
"I love our friendship, and hanging out with you at the shop and here has been the time of my life. And I wanna let you know, that I like you." You didn't know what he meant exactly, so you played along.
"I like you too. Being your friend is awesome."
"No more than that. I wanna be more than friends."
"Best friends?"
He laughed. "No, more."
"Super best friends??" you asked being silly. He laughed again and just got to the point. He kissed you. You gasped and once you realized what was happening, you kissed back. Every thing was like how you imagined it would be if you were ever lucky enough to be on his list of constant thoughts.
"I wanna be your boyfriend." He said. You smiled and blushed uncontrollably.
"Well I don't have a problem with that."
"Awesome! I mean... cool, cool."
You laughed. "Just be you Taemin." You said as you kissed him again.

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