::Key//Fashion Show::

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::Key-Fashion Show::

I ran off the stage as the curtains closed along with the other girls as our first scene of the fashion show ended. We needed to quickly change into the next dress. Right now the guys had their part of the show modeling in their suits. I passed by the guys backstage as they walked to the stage. Then suddenly in my rush I bumped into someone. I looked up and there he was. My ultimate crush of all time Kim Kibum. There was no surprise he was in our school fashion show. He was legitimately perfect for this kind of thing. No one could be better than him for this. Already in a hurry, I apologized and walked passed. But he called my name making me stop.
"You did great! That dress really suits you." He smiled at me.
"Thank you..." I smiled and blushed.
I ran back to the dressing room to change into my black evening gown.
After we had all changed the girls and I waited backstage on the side while the guys were up modeling for the audience. Kibum was obviously the best in my eyes. And I guess for the crowd too. Everyone gave him the most positive feedback I've ever seen. He seemed to be a favorite of the girls in the audience. Not gonna lie it kinda made me jealous that I couldn't be front row cheering him on. But there's one thing I do get to do. Dance with him. There's a part in the show where we have a local singer come on and sing a slow song while girls pair up with the guys and waltz around him. My partner happened to be Kibum. Of course that made me happy. We spent weeks together practicing. Being close to him, holding his hand, getting to smile up at him from such a short distance away, it made me feel like we were in a real relationship. But we're just friends. Boring old friends. Before I knew it the guys' part had ended and the curtain closed. The guys quickly came down and partnered with their girls. I waited and Kibum walked up to me with his bright smile on his face. That beautiful smile.
"You ready?" He asked me taking my hand in his own.
"Yeah I think so. I'm a bit nervous though. I've never danced on stage before." I smiled looking down from the embarrassment of his hand in mine.
"It's okay. Just look at me." He said softly into my ear.
My cheeks burned and I couldn't even look at him. All I could do was nod in response. The time came where we were introduced and the curtain opened revealing us on the stage along with about 5 other couples. The music started and our guest speaker began singing Stay With Me by Sam Smith. We began circling around each other and I could only look down.
I heard him whisper.
I looked up timidly.
"Look at me." He said in a whisper.
How could I look him in the eyes without loosing myself in them? But I couldn't resist his command. I lifted my eyes to meet his own and he instantly smiled at me.
"There you go. Relax."
I felt his grip on my waist from his right hand get a bit tighter bringing us together even more. I looked at him surprised and he just keep that smile on his face.
"Ya know ___," he started. "I think you're the best one out here."
"Huh?" I was confused.
"I liked this time I've had with you. Rehearsing for the show and especially this part of the show. I feel very comfortable with you, by your side." He said.
My heart stopped and my feet almost got caught by themselves. I had to remember we were on stage in the middle of a show.
"I thought this would be the perfect time to tell you. Did I impress you?" He smiled.
I couldn't help but smile back and nod at him. Before I knew it the song had ended and Kibum gently dipped my body while smiling down at me. And as the curtain closed so did the space between our lips.

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