I shrugged still in denial and brought out my phone opening Wattpad, a social network I love. "Remember Izzie..."

I rolled my eyes, here comes the to do instructions for the one hundredth time. "Go to the principals office immediately you get there she'll tell you what class you're in-" I cut her short.

"What class I'm in?"

"Yeah there's no timetable for students, they're put in a specific class."

I nodded not fully understanding and my mom continued, "Make a good first impression, make good friends, don't get lost, ask for directions..." My mom continued with her long list of things to and not to do until we reached Eastwood High. It was big. Really big.

"And remember..." My mom said as I got out of the car.

"Don't sleep in class!"

Yeah, right.

"Sure mom! Bye!"

"Have a great day!"

I waved back happily and my mom drove off leaving me all alone. I looked around and got the kind of feeling you get when you're in a new school. The feeling of having no friends. From the entrance I could see people walking in groups others walked in twos and some alone. At least they were no bullies. Yet.

"Okay Isabelle let's do this..." I told myself and walked into the building. I looked everywhere for the principals office but I couldn't find it. A lot of people looked at me. Keep staring people it's not as if I need help in finding the principals office. My mom said I should ask for directions so...

I walked up to a tall guy leaning on his locker using his phone and said. "Excuse me?"

I heard a few gasps from people but I decided to ignore it. Besides, it can't be me they're amazed at.

The blonde hair guy looked up at me with a blank face. "I need help in finding the principals office." I said politely but the tall guy didn't seem to blink.

I decided to explain, "You see, I'm new here and I need your help. You're obviously not new so you obviously know where the principals office is."

He eyed me from head to toe then faced his phone again, rude!

"Hey I'm talking to you!" I pointed out raising my voice.

He looked up again and frowned. "Look just show me the principals office and I'll leave you alone."

The boy put his phone and hands in his pocket, sighed and walked away without even looking back.

I was passed pissed, enraged, vexed, annoyed, vengeful, angry, furious, mad- "Psst!"

A voice whispered from behind me. I turned around and saw a dark haired girl who was trying to get my attention. "That's Mr. Silent, he doesn't talk at all."

"Mr. What?"


She smiled then said. "Don't ask why, no one knows why. Anyways, I'm Caitlin you can all me Cat, what's your name?"

I smiled with hopes that I just made my first friend. "Isabelle." I said, introducing myself.

"I'll call you Belle, I'll take you to the principals office!"

Before I could thank her she dragged me away to the principals office. "You know, the students here are weird but once you get to know them they're cool."

I nodded slightly. "What about that silent guy?" I asked and for some reason, the way that guy behaved still bugged me.

"He's name is Dean doesn't talk to anyone but he doesn't skip class and he maintains a perfect grade. You'll be lucky if he even looks at you." Cat explained and I looked at the direction Mr. Silent walked to.


His name is Dean...

Why do I care?

We enter the principals office and I was greeted by the schools- I looked at her tag- secretary. "Isabelle Colt, right? I've been waiting for you."

The way she said I've been waiting for you freaked me out a little. "You're in grade 9C," She looked at Cat and smiled, "Caitlin will take you there"

I nodded slowly and walked out of the office with Cat by my side.

"I wanted us to be in the same class!" Cat said as if she was about to cry.

"You're not in 9C?" I asked.

"No, I'm in 9A but I'll be stopping by your class every now and then, okay?"

"Okay." I replied.

We finally got to my class and I saw that a lecture is already going on. Cat wished me luck and walked away.

I let out a long sigh and walked in. "Who are you?" The teacher asks examining me.

"I'm new here."

"New? That's nice! Come on in!" She smiled widely and gestured for me to get in the class.

I walked on the class and felt everyone's eyes on me. "You know..." The nice teacher started facing the class. "... It doesn't hurt to say 'hi'"

The whole class looked at her like she just spoke a foreign language. She shook her head then smiled at me "Please introduce yourself er..."

"Isabelle." I said, "My name's Isabelle." I said then faced the entire class with a smile.

"Hi guys I'm Isabelle and I'm new here so um... that's it!" I said then faced the teacher for help.

"Sit at the back with that guy." She said and pointed to an empty seat.

I nodded and walk to the back with people whispering stuff I couldn't hear around me.

I sat down and looked at the boy besides me his head was rested on the table.

Maybe he's sleeping, I thought but just to be sure I said, "Hi, I'm Isabelle."

I heard a sigh, the boy lifted his head up and faced me, it was him.

Authors Note


This is the first chapter of Mr. Silent and I.

Tell me what you think, correct mistakes and give me feedback!




RANDOM QUESTION: Trouser or skirt?

For me, it's trousers! 😆😆!!

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