10. When you realise your true feelings (John)

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--• JW •--

--• JW •--

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--• JW •--

You hurriedly ran through the busy streets of London, your umbrella shielding you from the pouring rain. You let out a relieved sigh when you saw your destination.

After opening the heavy door, you walked into the hospital, St. Barts, and quickly closed the door behind you. Closing your umbrella, you pushed your wet hair away from your eyes.

You turned away from the doors and started to stride through the hallways, in search for John who had asked you out for lunch since he did not want to eat alone.

After asking for the location of his office, you followed the directions and your (e/c) eyes lit up when you saw his name printed on a wooden door in curvy black letters.

You lifted your left hand up and knocked two times on the door, immediately hearing an answer from the other side.

You slowly opened the door and smiled as you met the shining eyes from your favourite doctor. "Hey, John."

"Hello, (y/n), it's nice to see you again." John grinned from ear to ear as his eyes laid upon you, the corners of eyes crinkling. "Do come in."

"So, how's your day?" You tried to make small talk as you closed the door to his office and took a seat in the comfortable armchair.

"Busy," He let out a tired chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. "But, it's nothing that i can't handle."

"On one of these days, you're probably going to faint from working so hard." You laughed softly, eyes watching him with hidden concern.

"Oh, don't worry." John swatted his hand as he smiled reassuringly at you. "That won't happen in a million year."

You rolled your eyes but smiled nonetheless at the idiot. "Sure, if that's what you think."

Before he had the chance to return an even more sarcastic answer than yours, the door of his office opened, revealing his very gorgeous assistant, Bony.

"Am i disturbing something?" Bony asked with a smile that vanished as soon as her blue eyes landed on you. Her gaze hardened.

"No, not at all." John replied, as usual oblivious to the look that Bony was giving you. "How can i help you?"

She entered the room and walked towards his desk, holding a stack of papers in her hands. After reaching his desk, Bony placed the papers in front of him and offered him a pen. "I need you to sign these forms from Mrs. Song."

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