15. When you fight (Mycroft)

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--• MH •--

--• MH •--

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--• MH •--

"(y/n)!" You heard Mycroft yell sternly from the kitchen.

Not a second later, he entered the living room, just as you looked up from the book you were reading on the coach and averted your gaze to a suspicious-looking Mycroft.

"Yes, dear?" You queried innocently.

The older Holmes gazed over your laying figure with narrowed eyes. "Is there something you would like to tell me?"

You hesitated. "Uhmm, no..."

He raised his eyebrows, his arms crossing over his belly, tapping his feet on the floor. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, i'm quite sure, love." You answered with a smile, trying not to shake too much for him to notice.

He sighed deeply. "I really didn't want to have it come to this."

Mycroft turned on his heels and strode out of the room, heading towards the kitchen. Once he was finished, he entered the living room with an all too familiar package.


Waving the package in the air, he questioned. "Were you the one who ate my last package of lemon cupcakes?"

Pursing your lips, you shook your head, not too fast since Mycroft would surely notice the unusual move, but also not too slow because then he would think you were hesitating.

"I'm sorry, love, but i didn't eat your precious cupcakes." You responded indifferently before nonchalantly returning to your book

As your gaze flew over the pages, you tried your best not to show that you were lying because he could see that.

Mycroft could detect the crumbs on your collar, the way you had removed the topping of your lips, the nervous twitching of your feet, and all of that, in less than a second.

And that would be bad. Very bad.

Since he would found out that you were the one who ate his beloved lemon cupcakes. The same lemon cupcakes which he specially got made by some famous pastry chef from Moldova.

"You're avoiding eye contact." Mycroft stated as he looked at you with stern eyes.

"I'm not." You scoffed falsely, connecting your (e/c) eyes with his. "I'm just trying to read my book and you're not helping love."

He gazed down with a raised eyebrow. "Your eyes clearly have been unfocused for the past few seconds, so you weren't paying attention."

"That's not true." You tried to defend yourself but failed miserably.

He continued. "I can also easily tell that you've stopped reading the moment you saw me head into the kitchen, since that was six minutes and twenty-one seconds ago and you still haven't turned the page which is quite strange if you ask me. Normally you take three minutes and five seconds to read a page."

You stayed silent.

Mycroft rolled his eyes. "You also have called me love and dear in the previous five minutes as much as you do in a month." He started to tap his feet on the floor. "So, tell me, (y/n), do you have something to confess?"

You kept quiet, trying not to break eye contact with his piercing gaze, because that would give you away. It would signal that you had indeed eaten his cupcakes.

So you kept staring at him as he did the same.

Eventually, you moved your eyes downwards, an embarrassed laugh escaping through your lips. "Well, if we are being honest..."

"I can't believe you right now." Mycroft said disappointedly as he pressed his lips together.

Your hands moved to place your book on the table as you jumped to stand on your feet. You took a small step towards Mycroft, nervously chewing on your lower lip.

Rubbing the back of your neck, you tried to reason with him. "I'm sorry, but they looked so delicious that I couldn't resist."

He frowned, his thin brows drawing together. "I have told you numerous times in the past to not eat them, but i see that you just went ahead and ignored my words."

"I'm really sorry, Mycroft." You expressed your regret with guilty eyes, your hand latching on his arm, taking a hold of him.

"Sorry isn't going to bring back my cupcakes, (y/n)." Mycroft huffed before pulling his arm out of your hold and putting his coat on.

"Mycroft, c'mon, i said that i was—" You got cut off by Mycroft slamming the door shut of the house. "—sorry."

Standing alone in the room, you placed your hands on your hips, pursing your lips together.

"Well, that went well."

--• MH •--

As always, i hoped you liked the story  and until next time.

- WavyBrown2

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