06. When you become friends (John)

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--• JW •--

--• JW •--

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--• JW •--

The very first couple of days of your blooming friendship, John and you spent a lot of time in the living room of your house, since you were unable to leave the house with your foot that was still hurt from the other week.

You were really grateful for his company since you were alone in your house and practically bored out of your mind, trying to think about something that could keep you entertained.

You were about to grab your laptop, when the phone rang. Grabbing the phone in your hands, you picked up. "Hello?"

"Heey, (y/n), it's me, John." You heard his voice through the speaker. "I was wondering if you would like to meet for lunch today."

"I would love to, but i can't." You told him with a frown on your face. "My foot is still hurt, so i can't really walk normally."

"Oh, yeah, forgot about that," He paused for a moment. "You know, i could always come to your flat, if you wouldn't mind, of course."

"I wouldn't mind at all." You said with a bright smile. "I'm actually bored out of my mind, so it would be nice to have some company."

"Great, i'll be there in an hour." He announced with an eager tone. "But, first i need to get our food."

"Okay, i'll see you in a bit." You smiled through the phone before hanging up.

While you were waiting for him to arrive at your place, you figured that you had enough time to start cleaning, so you quickly did the dirty dishes, put the pillows on the couch in the right place and cleaned the table with a rag.

Not an hour later, the doorbell rang, its noise echoing around the room. You stood up from your comfy chair and walked toward the door, opening it with a grin.

"Hello, (y/n)." John smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling, as he stood in the doorway with two bags in his hand. "I got the food."

"Thank god, i was starving." You chuckled before ushering him inside. "C'mon inside, it's probably very cold in the hallway."

John walked into your flat and took his black coat off, hanging it on the coat rack. He turned to you with a smile and together you went to the living room.

John took a seat on the sofa as he placed the bags on the table, opening them and pulling the contents out of them. You sat across from him in a crossed-legged position on the floor and peered at the bags.

After he had emptied the bags, John placed one package on his lap and shoved the other one in front of you. As you finally saw what he had gotten you, your whole face lit up when you discovered that it was your favourite meal.

You smiled happily at the package, your eyes moving to meet his gaze. "Thank you."

John returned the smile. "It was no problem."

After walking to the kitchen, you grabbed some cutlery from the cabinets, returned to the living room and handed John his set of cutlery before you began to eat your meal as John did the same.

Not a moment later, you were talking nonstop to each other which was really refreshing for you, since you had never felt so comfortable with someone in such a short period of time. It seemed that John must be another thing.

John told you about his work at St. Barts that he found absolutely boring, since there weren't any interesting doctors there that he could befriend. They were all just a bunch of boring people with boring hobbies, except for one girl, but she rarely worked in the same area of the hospital as John did.

He also began to tell you about some of the adventures that he had made with his flatmate that was a consulting detective. You really liked listening to his stories, because they were just so interesting and amazing to listen to.

You favourite story was about a case, where a woman with pink clothes was murdered.

After he told you about a few of his amazing adventure with his flatmate, John started to ask you a lot of questions about your family and friends, your work and everything that came to his mind.

John apologised for asking too many questions and confessed with a sheepish smile that he was just really curious. You laughed with an amused smile, reassuring him that you didn't mind, and kept replying back to every question he threw at you.

After you both were finished with your food, you stood up, picked up the cutlery and placed them in the sink, not really in the mood to do the dishes. You went back and grabbed the bags and the packages off the table, disposing them in the trashcan.

When you walked back into your living room, John looked at his phone with a frown, but his eyes moved towards you as soon as you entered the room.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)," He began with an apologetic tone. "My flatmate just texted me and told me that he really needed my assistance with something, so i've to go."

You smiled sadly, wishing he could stay a bit longer. "No problem, i guess, i'll see you another time."

Before he went home, John insisted that he should at least take a look at your bruised foot, and he didn't take no for an answer, even when you told him that Sherlock must be waiting.

John grabbed your hand and gently pushed you on the coach, bending his knees to start examining your foot. After looking at your feet with focused eyes, he reassured you that the pain would be gone in a few days.

You walked John to the door, watching as he put on his shoes and thick coat, and opened the front door of your flat.

John pulled you into a hug which you gladly returned by warping your arms around his back. "Goodbye, (y/n)."

You pulled your face back from his shoulder and said with a warm smile. "Until next time." 

John nodded at the idea and stepped into the hallway. He gave you one last smile and walked down the hall, his left hand waving at you, just before John rounded the corner.

--• JW •--

As always, i hoped you liked the story  and until next time.

- WavyBrown2

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