03. When you meet (Mycroft)

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--• MH •--

--• MH •--

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

--• MH •--

You were walking down the sidewalk, talking to a client on the phone as you were heading into the direction of a new cafe, that you really wanted to check out.

The bell jingled above your head as you walked into the cafe, making some people look at you. You strode into the room and went to stand in the line.

"Yes, Mr. Winchester, that will certainly be taking care of before tomorrow, so don't worry about it." You reassured one of your favourite clients.

"Yes, i'll immediately make work of it." You stated into the phone. "Good, well, goodbye, Mr. Winchester and do say hello to your little brother for me."

You hung up the phone and put it back into your purse, after making yet another successful deal with a client.

As you were waiting in the line, you observed the cafe, already feeling the excitement you always felt when you were trying yet another cafe.

You were the next costumer in line, so you stepped forward to order, but suddenly a man dressed in a sharp suit also stepped forward.

"One chocolate fudge cupcake." You both said at the same time.

You both turned towards each other and raised your eyebrows at the other person. "Excuse me, i was here first."

"Stop repeating after me." You said in perfect unison, groaning in frustration.

"I was here first, so get back into the line." You told the man as you put your hands on your hips.

"Pardon, i think we all know that i clearly was here first, so you get back into the line." The man with the umbrella said, glaring at you.

"No, you get back into the line." You weren't backing down because you knew for sure that you were first.

"No, you." He said stubbornly and stood his ground.

"No, you."

"No, you."

The girl behind the counter interrupted your fight and slid one chocolate fudge cupcake on the counter. "This is the last one."

"Thank you." You smiled and grabbed the plate at the same time as the lad with the umbrella did.

"Let go." He said sternly as he gave you a really dirty look.

"No, you let go." You pulled the plate to your chest, but he decided to pull it back.

"No, you let go."

"No, you let go."

You continued to fight over the cupcake while pulling the plate back and forth, no one even thinking about giving it to the other.

"I'm really sorry, but could you please step away?" The girl behind the counter asked timidly as she fiddled with her shirt. "There are other people who want to order."

Then, you realised how ridiculous this must look to the people in the cafe. Two grow-ups in suit who looked like they had serious jobs, were fighting over something as petty as who got the cupcake like a bunch of children.

You decided to go sit in the corner of the cafe by a table placed in front of the window, so that you could discuss more about who got the precious cupcake.

You were seated in front of each other and you both had your arms crossed with your head held high. The plate with the cupcake was in the middle of the table.

"Just give me the cupcake." You sighed deeply as you looked into his dark eyes. "I really want to try the chocolate fudge cupcake at this place."

"Well, so, do i." The man stated matter-of-factly. "I want to try this cupcake now, so that the next time, i can go to another cafe to try the cupcake there. I'm a really busy man, so i don't really have the time to come here again."

"Wait, so you mean to tell me, that you go around cafés in London, just to try out their chocolate fudge cupcake?" You asked, surprised to know that he did the same as you did.

"Yes." The man with the umbrella replied as he nodded his head. "That's exactly what i do."

"Really?" You asked excitedly, completely forgetting that you were just fighting with him. "So, do i."

You leaned forward curiously. "Do you also only get the chocolate fudge cupcake, or do you take a different cupcake each time?"

"I always eat a chocolate fudge cupcake." The man answered with a wry smile. "They're my favourite."

"Mine too." You nodded with a small smile, starting to think that he might not be as bad as you thought he was.

He also leaned forward and asked curiously. "Have you tried the chocolate fudge cupcake at The Ponds?"

"Yes, and let me tell you, they were delicious." You replied, now feeling hungry for that delicious cupcake.

"I know, it's like the chef came from heaven just to make those cupcakes." The man sighed in content as he leaned against his arm.

"You know what," You slid the plate to his side with a smile. "You can have the cupcake, i think you deserve it more than i do."

"No, you take the cupcake." He slid the plate back to your side. "Clearly, it's you who should eat the cupcake."

"No, you should eat it."

"No, you, i insist."

"How about we split it?" You offered him with a bright smile, making him nod in agreement.

"Okay, let's split it." The man agreed and held his hand out. "I'm sorry that i'm introducing myself so late, but i'm Mycroft Holmes."

You took his warm hand in yours and shook it while making eye contact. "I'm (y/n) (l/n). "

In the end, you split the cupcake into two pieces and happily shared the cupcake.

As you actually started to talk to each other like normal human beings, you saw that you surprisingly had a lot in common. You two even decided to meet again in another cafe to see how their chocolate fudge cupcake was.

--• MH •--

I sadly might not write as much as i want to now that school has begun, but i'll try to do my best and upload as much as i can.

As always, i hoped you liked the story and until next time.

- WavyBrown2

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