Chapter 8

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Rewritten: 25/08/2019

"Do I have anything scheduled for tonight?" Lewis asks as a car drives him and Lexi back to the hotel.

"No, you don't," Lexi replies without looking at him.

"And tomorrow, in between training?"

"No, nothing."

"Would be nice if next time you could just tell me without me having to ask you," Lewis says, which makes Lexi look at him.

"I would if you didn't beat me to it by asking about it. I was gonna tell you at the hotel."

"I want you to tell me earlier."

"Then just say that," Lexi says, relieved as the car stops, which means they're back at the hotel. She quickly gets out of the car and walks into the hotel, though she knows she hasn't seen the last of Lewis just yet.

"Wait up!" she hears him say behind her, making her sigh and stop walking.

"Yes?" she says as she turns around to face him. 

"I want you to tell me what I have scheduled each morning. If I don't have anything scheduled, also tell me."

"Will do. Anything else?"

"No, that's it."

"Alright, see you tomorrow," Lexi says before walking to the elevator. Luckily, Lewis doesn't follow her, even though he has to go to the same floor. After spending the entire day with Lewis, Lexi can't wait for some time alone. But most importantly, some time without Lewis. He hasn't said one nice word to her all day, even though he's been really nice to just about everyone else. 

Lexi lets herself fall onto her bed and lets out a deep sigh. She never thought this job could be this tiring and the constant tension between her and Lewis certainly doesn't help. All she wants tonight is a nice hot shower, a delicious dinner, a feel-good film and chocolate. 

Before she can even get to the bathroom, there's a knock on the door. She sighs and walks towards the door, silently praying it's not Lewis. When she opens the door, she's happy to see it's Pascalle who's standing in front of her.

"Hey," Pascalle greets her, a smile on her face.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you had some free time?"

"I do, why?"

"Wanna grab some dinner? After today I forgot how many men work in F1. I'm in need of some serious girl time," Pascalle says, making Lexi chuckle. 

"I was actually just gonna take a shower and watch a film."

"Well too bad, because I already told the restaurant downstairs we're coming," Pascalle says, making Lexi sigh.

"Fine, just give me 15 minutes to take a shower and get dressed, okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you in the restaurant."

"Great, see you in 15," Lexi says before closing the door. She goes to the bathroom and takes a quick shower before putting on some comfortable, but nice looking clothes. About 15 minutes later, she walks into the restaurant, where she sees Pascalle already sitting at a table. 

"Hey," Lexi says as she sits down.

"I'm sorry if I ruined your night in," Pascalle says right away.

"No, don't worry about it! I can actually use a girls night as well."

"Great!" Pascalle says as the waiter comes and hands them each a menu. 

"So, how are you and Stoffel?" Lexi asks as they look over the menu.

"We're great! Stof's a bit worried about the race though, which is natural."

"Yeah, I can imagine. I feel so bad for him, he seems like he's a great racer."

"He really is. If only he could get the chance to show it," Pascalle sighs. 

"He will, I know it," Lexi says as the waiter comes back to take their orders. After ordering and getting their drinks, Pascalle looks at Lexi intensely.

"What?" Lexi asks confused.

"How are you and Lewis?" 

"Seriously?" Lexi asks, making Pascalle laugh.

"So not that good?" 

"That would be an understatement."

"What happened?" Pascalle asks curiously and Lexi starts telling her about the crazy night she had not too long ago.

Lewis is caught off guard when he hears Pascalle say his name. He had seen them come in, happy that they didn't see him. They sat down pretty close to him, close enough for him to hear what they were saying. He expected them to talk about anything but him. 

"He was mad at you for being late?" Pascalle asks surprised when Lexi finishes telling her about the night he called her. 

"Yes, even though I helped him out!"

"That's just rude."

"I know! I just don't understand that man. I can't seem to do anything right," Lexi tells Pascalle, which makes Lewis think. Of course, he knows he hasn't been the nicest to her, but it wasn't that bad, right?

"I'm sure that's not true," Pascalle says and Lewis mentally thanks her for voicing his thoughts. 

"It is. You know what he told me shortly after telling me I was late?"


"He told me to change my attitude. My attitude! If anyone's attitude needs changing, it's his!"

"He said that?!" Pascalle exclaims surprised and Lewis sees Lexi nod. He remembers that conversation and suddenly understands the way she acted. She thinks of him as a jerk. A jerk who told her to change her attitude whilst in her eyes, his attitude needs changing. 

Lewis starts to think about all the time they spent together ever since she started working for him. Sure, he hasn't been the nicest to her, but that's not strange in a business relationship. 

"I just wish he could act a bit nicer towards me, you know? He doesn't have to be as nice to me as he is to his fans, I understand they're important to him whilst I'm just a temporary replacement for my dad. But still, it's not too much to ask, right?" Lexi says to Pascalle and suddenly, it clicks for Lewis. 

He doesn't even listen to Pascalle's response because he realizes why Lexi thinks of him as a jerk. And she's right. Or wrong, actually. It's not that he just sees her as a temporary replacement, if that were the case, he would've been way nicer to her. It's because he doesn't see her like that, he acted like a jerk towards her without even realizing it. He's been punishing Lexi for something she didn't even do. He was punishing Lexi what she did to him all those years ago. If things hadn't gone south between himself and her, Lexi wouldn't think of him as a jerk right now. It's all her fault. He still let her play a huge role in his life without even realizing it. But that's gonna change. 

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