Chapter 6

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Rewritten 23/07/2019

Despite the fact that there's no race this weekend, Lexi still finds herself around Lewis the week after Bahrain. She was told to be at the Puma photoshoot he has, even though she has no idea why. All she's done so far is watch Lewis as he's posing. Outfit after outfit, he gives the camera a sexy look and Lexi can't help but roll her eyes at it. Some people may enjoy things like this, but for Lexi, her phone is much more interesting.

"Excuse me? Are you Lexi Cooper?" someone besides her asks, making Lexi look up from her phone.

"Yes, that's me. Can I help you?" Lexi asks, looking at the woman next to her.

"I'm Cara, I'm part of the marketing department at Puma. I would like to talk to you about the promotion of the new collection with the photo's that are being taken now. I've already discussed the majority with Vince, but I would like to go over the details one more time."

"Yeah, of course," Lexi says, now understanding why she had to be at the shoot.

"Do you have some time now?" Cara asks and Lexi hesitates, looking over at Lewis, who is still giving the camera his most alluring looks. Interrupting him now to tell him she's gone for a bit is probably not the best idea. If he needed her, he could just call or text her, right?

"Yeah, I have some time," she says, making Cara smile.

"Great, follow me," Cara says and Lexi follows her to a closed of room, still close to the shoot. Before closing the door behind her, Lexi looks over to Lewis one more time. He won't notice she's gone for a bit. And even if he did, he probably wouldn't care.

After a successful meeting, Lexi walks back to where she was waiting before to wait until the photo shoot wraps up. Except it already has. The cameras and lights are already being stored away and everyone is tidying up.

"There you are!" Lexi hears Lewis call out, making her turn around. Lewis walks over to her, a clearly unamused look on his face. He doesn't even have to say anything else, Lexi already knows this won't be pleasant.

"Yes, here I am. I was in a meeting with some people from the marketing department," Lexi says calmly, deciding not to let Lewis' annoyance bother her.

"I needed you like half an hour ago."

"I'm sorry, Cara asked if I had time and I didn't think it would take this long," Lexi replies, though she can't shake his words from her thoughts. He needed her.

"Who's Cara? You know what, doesn't matter. You can't just leave! Why didn't you tell me?"

"You seemed fairly busy and I didn't want to interrupt the shoot. I didn't think you'd need me for anything."

"You can't know if I need you for something. Next time, tell me if you're leaving."

"You could've texted me. Or called me even," Lexi says, making Lewis look at her as if she's grown another head.

"That's beside the point. Tell me if you're going somewhere next time."

"Alright, I will," Lexi says, sighing softly as Lewis walks off. He still hasn't told her what he needed her for and he probably never will. It was probably something silly anyway. If he still needs it, he'll come and find her again.

"Excuse me, Lexi?" another voice says, making Lexi turn around again.

"Yes?" Lexi says, not in the mood for more issues.

"I'm Steve, I was the photographer today. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed working with Lewis today. I would've told him myself, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Could you tell him for me?" the guys asks and Lexi sighs. Of course he just had to miss Lewis.

"Yeah, sure," she says, giving Steve a fake smile.

"Great, thank you! Tell him it was a pleasure!"

"I'm sure it was," Lexi mumbles sarcastically as Steve walks away. She sighs before heading outside, where a car will be picking herself and Lewis up. How come Lewis seems to be nice to literally everyone but her? What did she ever do to him in the first few moments to make him dislike her so much?

"Is the car here yet?" Lewis asks once Lexi gets outside.

"No, not yet," Lexi says, feeling stupid for seemingly stating the obvious as Lewis himself can clearly see that the car hasn't arrived yet.

"When will it be here?"

"I don't know, soon I'm sure," Lexi says, silently hoping she's right. Lewis groans in annoyance, making Lexi roll her eyes.

"Well can you find out?"

"No, I can't find out. And even if I could, I wouldn't because it won't make any difference. The car will arrive when it does," Lexi says, her tone harsh as she's has had enough of Lewis' attitude for one day.

"No need to be rude."

"You're-" Lexi starts, but she doesn't finish her sentence. Despite her own issues with Lewis and his apparent issues with her, she needs to think of her dad. And the fact that, officially, Lewis is her boss. If she messes up too bad, it could cost her dad his job.

"Sorry what?"

"Nothing, you're right," Lexi says, her tone much lighter this time. Lewis seems surprised by her response but doesn't say anything. They wait in silence until the car arrives, which seems to take way longer than it should.

Later that day, as Lexi prepares dinner for herself, she starts to think about what her dad said after the race in Bahrain. Should she mention something to Toto? It's pretty obvious that Lewis seems to have some sort of issue with her as he's clearly treating her differently and has so from the start. But what difference would it make if she talked to Toto? Lewis is the first driver in the team, no matter how many time the team tries to deny it and how well Valtteri does. Even if she said something to Toto, there's no way he would tell Lewis to change his behavior. The championship is too important and Lewis is the key to get it. And how things are going right now is working, so why change it?

The only thing that could happen if Toto talked to Lewis is that things get worse. If Lewis hears her complain, he might give her an even harder time. That's the last thing she wants.

She considers talking to Lewis, but she has a feeling he won't listen to her. And honestly, why would he? Technically, he's her boss and she's only here temporarily. Why would he change anything for her? When her dad gets better, things will go back to how they were anyway.

As she looks out over the streets in front of her apartment, Lexi suddenly feels very lonely. Being in a foreign country without anyone around the can call to spend a fun evening with. The only people close are Lewis and Pascalle and whilst Pascalle would be happy to have a girl's night with her, Lexi knew tonight is date night. And Lewis wasn't exactly a person she'd voluntarily spend time with right now.

Which leaves Lexi all by herself, with her dad in a hospital bed back home and no friends around to confide to. It's times like these she wishes her mom was still around to give her advice. She'd know what to do.

Lexi thinks back to what Pascalle had said. Give him some time. She was right, time was probably all he needed, it's all she needed and she turned out okay. All Lexi hopes is that she'll have the same patience with Lewis as people used to have with her.

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