"Aw princessa doesn't swear? Tsk tsk tsk. Must've forgot that dictionary of colorful words down at the nerd department." He tickles me even more than before. I don't swear? oh he's in for a surprise.

"For fucks sake! If you don't let go right now I will knee kick you in the balls which I will personally castrate later on. Do you fucking understand or do I need to get a fucking translator!" I yell at him, my expression dead serious causing everyone in the car to erupt in laughter except him. He's scared and slightly amused. Mostly scared though, must be imaging how tough it would be to whore around without his ammo, not that he has any.

"Yo Diego you look like you just shit yourself man, take a beer." Caleb says from the front seat, his face red from laughter.

"Cold?" Diego asks before gulping down large quantities of the burning liquid down his throat.

"Want some babe?" Steven offers the second can to Mia and she snatches it away from him causing all of us to chuckle. Mia loves her alcohol alright.

"Want some babe?" Diego wriggles his eyebrows at me causing me to wrinkle my nose in disgust. I don't know what's worse the fact he called me babe or the thought of that scorching liquid going down my throat.

"I uh don't drink." I sigh obviously embarrassed as I put my head down in shame. The boys erupt in laughter once again but Mia shuts Steven up with a kiss. That's my girl.

"Alright did you actually expect to go to a party without a single drink? Loosen up a bit Chica." Diego has a point. In that split second my hands move before my mind even processes what they're doing and I start gulping down the remainder of the can. I scrunch it up when I'm done and fling it at Diego.

"How's that for loose?" I ask, proud of what I just accomplished.

"Not bad but if you really wanna get loose I could help with that. We could always-" I stop him right there.

"She has a boyfriend." Daniel calls out from the front seat. How does he know?

"Well no shit I met him already. Cute of him to think he has a chance of beating me up." He snorts lifing his shirt and flexing his arm. Next he throws a playful wink my way. Idiot. Very very sexy idiot. Shit Elena stop Dammit.

"Turn left, should be the third house down the road." Steven shouts from next to Mia who is currently laying her head on his shoulder. Awee love birds I chirp to myself excitedly.

"Done making out, already?" I hear Diego laugh from next to me.

The houses here are so much bigger, each one having its own pool and gigantic lawn. More like mansions in my opinion.

"Whose party is this again?" I ask the guys as I step out in front of the house completely dazzled at the fine architecture and decoration. Lights everywhere as the music is blasting from the rear of the mansion, people passed out on the lawn and others drinking in the pool. Typical party.

"James Mitchels." Daniel replies casually and my mouth subconsciously forms an o shape. "What's wrong?" He adds, his face radiating a caring glow.

"Elena and him aren't very close so she's debating whether to leave or stay." Mia takes the words right out of my mouth.

"Oh you're staying, we're not big fans of him and his bitchy girlfriend either but we know a good party when we see one." Caleb slings an arm over my shoulder before adding, "The guys and I are here, if he does anything don't hesitate to tell us and we'll make sure to give him a night he won't forget."

Everyone raises their eyebrows and looks at him like he just fell from Mars. I start giggling along with Mia, can't help it. 'A night he won't forget'

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