I like you (Ending 2)

Start from the beginning

You curled up to a ball under his blanket. 

Fed up that he didn't bother to check on you, you walked out to the living room. He sat on the floor reading comics.


You sneaked up behind him and with a loud boom you threw yourself on the sofa. It scared him like you predicted however the comic that he threw up in surprise, hit your head. You whined and covered the spot with your hands.

"That was for your dumbness," he hissed again.

"Meanie," you whined.

Arakita stopped moving, looked at you and then away. He mumbled something.

"A-rakita-a~" calling out his name, you neared him and grabbed his shoulders.

"Let's go shopping! There's this newly opened shopping center and-"


He brushed off your arms, thanks to your quick reflexes you grabbed his arm, threw him on the sofa and bombarded him with pillows. Once Arakita had enough of your pillow invasion, he grabbed each of them and threw them to the other side of the living room. Preventing you from collecting them he pulled you backwards and you landed next to him on the sofa.

"Enough," he said with an annoyed expression. You poked his left cheek.

"Idiot~" you sang and touched his super silky hair. 

You didn't know why Arakita wouldn't snap at you maybe he was tired of doing it or if he was containing himself not to murder you but he stood up and said:

"Ok let's go shopping," while looking away.

He's so dishonest, you thought and smiled. You knew exactly why he looked away.


"Wow, this is so trendy," you exhaled under your breath. Arakita snorted and whispered:

"Who the hell says trendy?"

You heard it and gave him a slap sideways:

"I say that! Shut up!"

There you were on your exclusive shopping 'date' with Arakita. It was more like him tagging along with an annoyed expression that softens every time he glanced at you and you weren't paying him attention.

Of course, you'd never be able to catch him doing that, at least that was what he thought. You could see it every time briefly from the corner of your eyes when you pretended to be amazed by something.

Got you Arakita, you were proud of yourself.

At the end you came back to his apartment empty-handed because you didn't bring money with you to buy anything and you didn't want Arakita pay for you. Actually, you still owe him but you brushed the thought away.

"You ain't going to ask me to go home?"

"Even if I did, you wouldn't, would you?"

"Hehe, you know me too well," you poked his cheeks again.

"Arakita~ you ignoring me again?" you almost fell out of his bed in order to continue poking him.

"C'mon~Don't be like that~"




"I'm wearing your underwear though."

He turned around to meet your cheeky smile. He narrowed his eyes:

"Stop lying."

"Oh Arakita, you wish I'm lying," your grin was as wide as your face.

"Stop fucking lying!"

"You think I say that to lie? How about you see for yourself?" you teased him, rolled down from his bed and got under his covers.

OMG why do you have to be so bold. You are killing me, you told yourself.

You closed in to him.

Why am I doing this to myself?, you squealed in your mind.

"You wanna see?" you whispered in his ear.

What am I doing? Trying to seduce him or what??

"Arakita stop ignoring me!" he had his back turned to you again.

"I know you like me! Stop hiding it!" finally you snapped.

You wanted to know the truth and him being like this is annoying.

"You see those romantic couples in dramas? This could be us but you playing," you confessed to him with an outdated meme.

Ah, where did I go wrong in my life?

You sat up and stared down at him because he still hasn't said anything. You went closer to his face. Was he asleep? When you almost saw his face, he slapped you lightly.

"W-Wha-" angry you grabbed him by the shirt and then you saw it. You let him go.

He looks so adorable!

You got red too. Never did you see Arakita being a blushing mess like this before and you treasured every second. Maybe it'd be the last time you were ever going to see it again.

And now?, you thought. 

The situation was so embarrassing, you both didn't know what to do except to scream in your mind. You desperately wanted to know what was going on in his mind. Minutes passed maybe even hours. It felt like an eternity.

"O-Oh I see."

Is that it? Is that all you have to say?

"O-Oh ok. So you see."

"Y-Yeah, I do."

"T-That's nice.




And then you asked him about the thing he said the night in front of the convenience store.

"You really don't remember?" he asked. You shook your head.

"Then don't worry, I thought you were just playing that you don't remember."

"Remember what?"

"That you're stupid. Shut up!"

You both looked away.

"But if I don't remember there must be a reason for it. Maybe a trauma or anything."

You swore that he looked guilty for a second, just a brief second but he said:

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

Well, it doesn't matter, you thought, what matters now is this situation here!

Are we dating now or what? What does this all mean?

"Ok. Let's sleep," he said. You felt your heart sink.

"We need to get up early and do stuff."

"Stuff?" you were confused.

"What stuff?"

"You know," he started to sound embarrassed, "like d-dates and things like that...."

The warmth of your heart spread across your whole body and with a wide, genuine smile, you hugged him.




Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now