"Oh hell no," he denies immediately. "I did one Ouija board in middle school and I swear I was haunted for weeks."

"Come on, it's total bullshit. People stay on the 49th, right? It must be nothing. You up for a little rainy day adventure?" He cocks his eyebrow, but gives in with a sigh.

"Fine, you're right. Let's go, I guess."

"Yes! Okay, there's a map of most haunted spots and some instructions for something? Idk, but I'll take the Bible with me just in case." Christian gives me an uneasy look.

"You're lucky I'm a Christian." He gives me the worst smirk.

"That was the most awful pun ever, but I love you for it." He giggles, and we get up and head out the door. Heading down the long hallway of the hotel, I already have chills. What if this is really haunted and we're going to die? I doubt it, since we have a Bible to ward off the spirits. Maybe I should've gotten some salt and candles or something sharp. We finally reach the elevator, so we call for it and wait. Thankfully, there is no one else around, so we board the elevator alone. Now that I'm on it, I kind of hate being alone.

"Uh, Jay?" Christian questions me as I admire myself in the glass wall of the elevator. I snap out of it and return attention to him.


"There is no 49th floor." My heart stops.

"What?" I choke.

"Nada. Nothing. No button, just 48, a blank space, and then 50."

"Wait," I say and flip through for the Bible's instructions page. "Okay here we go, it's says–"

"Oh fuck this," Christian says. "If there is a special way to get to the 49th floor, then it is not just a fun adventure, it's a damn suicide mission. Also, this author said to avoid the 49th, why would he give us instructions!?"

"Don't worry, I've got a Bible and a Christian. We'll be fine." He crosses his arms, nodding to me to read. "Alright, 'Press the 37th floor button. Let the doors close, then go back up to 42. Go back down to 24, and lastly 31. Make sure no one boards the elevator at any stops, or the steps are ruined. At 31 though, two women with white painted faces and jet black hair will board the elevator. One of them will tap the blank space where 49 should be, and the elevator will begin to ascend. You are now entering another realm.'"

"This is so fake," Christian says.

"Then let's do it, it's just a game." He shakes his head.

"Fine, but when I die, I'm haunting you forever."

"I'd hope so." I smirk. "Okay, continuing. 'Once you have exited the elevator, you only have until midnight to finish your excursion. If not, you will be trapped in the shadow realm for all eternity. If you take a symbol of Christianity with you, you will be bound immediately to the world.' Wait, does that mean you can't come, because of your name?"

"Honey, I'm far from a symbol of Christianity. I like boys." I laugh.

"Fair enough. Well, let's get this show on the road." I press the button for 37 and stand in the corner, gripping the railing tightly. I feel like I'm in the opposite of an antigravity chamber. This is crazy, and I am now pressing the button for floor 42. No one has stopped our trip yet, and we are descending to floor 24. At 24, we shoo a group away, telling them we stink really bad. I don't want to mess this up, we're so close. We head back up to floor 31. My heart is pounding, I'm gripping Christian's hand so tight my knuckles are whiter than paper. We stop on 31, and Christian and I stand at the door, waiting to see two women, but no one is there.

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