Tell me who you are

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"I think the time has come, to tell me the truth about you" he said looking into my eyes, right after we finish our wild hour.

I stood up, searching for my cigars; his words made me nervous and I wanted to chill down a little bit.

We meet few months ago in a club and since then, we meet, occasionally for sex, no names or phone calls; the motel room was the only place we agreed to meet, not at our houses.

"Listen, I like this mystery, and why do you want to complicate the things?" I asked

Shannon climb down the bed, coming toward me; he took my cigar, dragging a smoke then putting down on ashtray. God, the way he looked was demential, and I started to get wet.

"Because I want to take our relation to another level. You proved me that you are a discreet person and you respected our agreement" a gentle sigh escape from his lips and his eyes was lingering on my lips.

I didn't said aunt gun a while, thinking how to take advantage of this situation.

"Let's make a deal, if you will offer me the best of you, I will tell you everything about me" he lifted a finger, tucking a stray curl behind my ear, gently.

He took my mouth, fiercely, while his hands was running down on my sweat body; I start rubbing against him, closing my eyes and letting all my wild instincts to came out. His palms was cupping my breast, his warm tongue touched my earlobe, making me instantly to moan, loud.

This time was different, I felt the romance floating in the air and he whispered his name in my ear, demanding to say it.

I said his name over a millions of times in that night and after we took a shower, together, we stayed until the morning, talking about us, about our lives.

Well, I had a shock to find out that he is drummer in a rock band; now I know from where his strength came.

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