Tweet me tonight

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"So where you will go tonight?" You read the message from twitter and reply back
"In a amusement park,I really need a night out,talk later,bye"
"Bye,and have fun"
Two months ago this user from Twitter started to give you messages. It was an echelon too and you spend many hours caught in interesting long discussion about the band,dreams,desires; knew about your crush on Shannon (from your tweets)and not only once made you a little angry with some annoying words like "he didn't know that you exist" or "I bet is not a nice person" but you explain with kind words that is ok to have different opinions even if those words come from an echelon. And that user had something special that makes you all the time to forget about the problems,to laugh and dream.
At love tunnel you remain alone,outside to wait for your friends;didn't want to enter with they.
"Would you like to enter there,with me?" Turning around to see who told you that,and when your eyes meet his you almost had an heart attack.
"I can't believe it,Shannon? Leto? Is here? Me?"
"Yes you. I've come to see you"
"Wait,what did you just said?"
"Remember? You told me tonight that you will be here,on twitter. It was me,all the time,that user who you talk in the last weeks"
You was in shock,hearing these and start to cry. Shannon comes closer and takes you in his arms,placing a kiss on your forehead.
"I enter once to see what people tweets me. From dozen I found yours. It was sweet,and I enter to see who send me those beautiful replies. Then I had this idea,a fake account where I can be myself. And I start to care about you,to feel something about you"
The words was useless. From his look you know it so together headed to his house.
There all the buried feelings came out like a summer storm.
He rip your clothes,biting gentle your skin;your hand traveled among his perfect body;his kiss was divine. Taking you in his arms,with your feet wrapped around his hips,he head to the shower. There,the hot water makes the feelings to explode...and nobody heard you screaming.

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