Pamphlet instead bedtime story.

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What if one day you bumped into Jared? Or Tomo? Or Shannon? What is the first though who will crossed your mind?

Would you hug him? Or kiss him? Faint? Die?

Some will say "all the above" when others "run away, hide then cry"

"I have faith enough to make him fall in love with me, marry, then have a bunch of babies? Yes I am" most of girls will say to themselves. But the truth is very cruel; not because they are rock stars, living in LA or traveling around the world, no.

The truth is they can start a war. How? Tell to one of them to start a relationship with one girl fan and the rest will start the Apocalypse against her. Am I right? Yes:)

"Let's rip her apart" "burn the witch" "kill her with fire" "that slut has more men's than a train station" are just few from compliments that she will receive.

Let's face it ladies, we are jealous when is about our crushes, right? And in every night, before to asleep, we have that scenario in our heads with "what if..." and making plans with what we will say and do at the next concert.

Reality is different of our dreams; the moment you see those muscle, eyes, hair, hands and not only...that made you dream over and over, the throat is dry, can't speak, only mumble and you could swear that you had orgasm when they hugged you for picture.

Well, who deny all the written above, is a liar. You can't just sit next to they and pretend that every cell of your body sleeping; it's a real hurricane inside you.

To end this, I have am suggestion; girls, let's take acting classes and at the right time we could play the "faint role" as better we can.

It could be sweet to be carried away on some strong arms, right?

Now it's time for me to dream, I hope to not see scene from The Grudge like last night 😰, I hope to dream that I'm a drum kit and he beat at my drums, hard.

With love, forever yours, Scaramouche, kiss ya.

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