He will know me

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"Get over it girl, this obsession will bring you on the edge of madness" her friend said nervous seeing her, again, watching at videos with him, surrounded by all kind of objects related to the band.

"I can't, it's just my addiction, my curse. Can't you see how gorgeous he is?" She replied, touching a photo of him.

"Whatever, but he doesn't even know that you exist"

"Will know me, soon" she said slowly, showing a plane ticket.

After few days, she was in LA and everything seemed worked as was planned. Wasn't hard to find his house and stayed in front of it, hoping to see him, just a minute and will be enough; didn't want to ring at door, because all her courage was vanishing, thinking at his reaction.

"May I help you with something?" She heard behind; turning around, faced him and in a second she passed out.

Shannon carried her inside, putting gently on the couch.

When she opened her eyes, he smiled and she felt that the heaven was down on the earth.

Explained why it was there and he decided to make her trip unforgettable.

She was meet the rest of the band, had fun at the beach with Shannon and in the last nigh, a dinner, only they two.

"I was thinking, would you want to stay few more days? The truth is that I want to know you better. Not in every day, a beautiful girl faint at my feet or traveling only to see me. What do you think?"

"Sure, will talk at hotel, to say that I will remain few more da..."

"Shhh, you will stay here. I have a guest room, or you can sleep in my bedroom, with me"

He said slowly, surrounding her body with his strong arms; their lips meet for the first time and she felt an hurricane inside her.

Why shouldn't remain? In fact is Shannon Leto, the one who made love like the devil, right?

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