Bad dog,very bad

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"Stoooooop,stop,please. Bad boy,very bad. Sit noooow" she was yelling at the dog,to stop running after birds.It was a very strong one and drag her almost half a park;suddenly a guy appeared in front of the dog and stopped all this madness.
"Finally,thank you" she said sitting in grass,breathing heavy.
"You welcome,you should train him that these things to not happen again" said him smiling,playing with that sweet beast.
"I tried but no one had a chance to make him listen. Oh,I see that he like you"
"Maybe I should keep you company,just in case will start running again"
An hour,two and they still was talking and playing with Fox; when came the time to leave home,Shannon asked for her phone number.
They date,after a week and spend the night together. Everything was perfect,until she disappear. Few days and Shannon start to worry;all he got was a voice message where she said that is fine and need to take care of some business.....
Shannon was driving like a madman to the hospital;her mother called him after her phone and said that she was shot and it's in coma.
Turned that she was working for police,working at undercover cases and something went wrong at a drug transaction between two mafia gangs.
He didn't leaved from there,wanted to see her waking up,to see her smile and hear how she say "I love you". In those moments realize how much he love her.
"Hey,raise and shine my angel" Shannon was asleep on a chair,when he heard that voice. She was looking at him,smiling. He came and leaning towards her,he put his warm lips on hers.
"Never do this again,you know that you can tell me anything. I was scared because I can't see my life without you and don't hide nothing from me because I will understand all your decisions" he said keeping her palm in his.
"I love you too,so much and I was afraid to tell you where I work because I thought that you will left me,it's a dangerous job,with many risks. But now I see that what's between us is true love." Undercover or not,they remain together,because that's what lovers do,fight for each other,love and support.

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