Surprise (Ending 2)

Start from the beginning

Machimiya did it on purpose! That idiot nugget!

"I see I hope you are getting better!"

You laid your head on the table. This reminded you of the time when Arakita patted you. Your cheeks burned up and subconsciously you touched the place where his hand was. The spot felt so empty now. You closed your eyes and imagined what it felt like until you actually felt a hand covering the place.

Wide-eyed you shot up and stared at Kinjou who was in the middle of taking his hand back.

"I'm sorry. I thought it'd be better if I pretended I was Arakita."


"You were thinking of the last lecture when Arakita-"

You touched his injured spot and slowly whispered to Kinjou:

"Don't say anything unnecessary if you treasure your life."

Kinjou gulped and hit the table lightly while nodding his head quickly. Content you let him go.

Stupid Kinjou who the hell allowed you to say my thoughts out loud?

Depressed you put your head back on the table.


It was 1 pm now.  2 pm is the appointment. You had to give it to Machimiya to first shake off the captain then prevented Kinjou from coming and now even Sara. 

What on earth is it that's so important to even hurt his teammate?

Arriving at the restaurant you were greeted by a hostess.

"I've got a reservation at 2 for table 10."

"Ah yes Miss (L/N)? Your date is already there. Please follow me."

Huh? Date? Machimiya you little-

The lady brought you to the table section at the windows. Quite a few people were in the restaurant. Were they all rich? Because when you looked at the menu outside everything was expensive. And doubting that Machimiya would pay for you, you could only pray you'd have enough money.

"Here we go," the hostess said, put two menu cards on the table with a smile.

"Took you long enough Ma-"

He stared at you, you stared at him. You stared at the hostess, the hostess stared at you. You stared back at him, he was staring at the hostess and the hostess stared back at him, he stared at you again. 

The hostess then said:


and quickly left.

""Huh? What are you doing here?"" both of you exclaimed at the same time.

""Shut up! That's my line.""

"Stop saying the same things at the same time. It's weirding me out!" you glared at the person that was obviously not Machimiya.

"Hah? That's what I wanted to say," Arakita took his hands away from the table.

Great. How did I end up here with him?

Just when you wanted to walk away, a waiter came and smiled at you:

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah," you answered nervously.

"Is the table not to your liking? Maybe we should've seated you at a more quiet place for your date."

"H-Huh? D-Date? I'm sorry but what are y-"

"Nah, it's fine. She just wanted to sit down," Arakita answered.

Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi pedal)Where stories live. Discover now