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Though I would quickly make a separate section to put up my closing thoughts and bit's no the information in regards to this project. You can skip this part if you want but if you want to get the DL on my future plan for the story then stick around. 


(What I  may talk about form here may simply be me rambling, I kind of writing this whilst putting togeather my thoughts so you've been warned.

Also, this should double up as a question thread if you want to ask me anything story related here's the best place to do it.

Did you get all that? 



Current state of the story

OK! So in regards to this story, I have around six books planned, three and a half of which is already in a written format. However, the format in question is not in a presentation that I would deem worthy of reading, almost all of it is also old as sin by this point. 

This means a lot of rewriting is involved in order to get it up to the quality that I want. So taking that all into account I'm effectively writing the story from scratch which means this it will take some time typically. 

This does have it's upsides, like revising the plot and characters to improve on the original. 

However, this may only be the case for book two since the third one is already in a more better shape meaning it should be simpler to tidy up and make creative changes if need be.

but yeah, I have not plan in slowing down if at all possible. I will, however, hold back from straight up rewriting book two for a few reasons. 

1. I changed the ending somewhat to the original.

Mainly the change I did on by the end of chapter 43, there was not such a huge line in the sand in the old draft so going by that things will play out a bit different from here on in which I thing if for the better because...

2. Had a heavy bit of pacing problems in book two.

Soo maybe because I was drawing too much from long-running stories like one piece but I feel that although things had risen in book two it suffered from a bit of lag in some parts in the middle. Going by that right I long decided that I will strip book to down and more or less rebuild it from scratch. You could day the thing that happened in chapter 43 is a pledge to that choice.

Future content and plans (Dreams)

I intend to fall back on some research and just flesh out the world and characters in the mean time. Once I'm happy with that I'll do the outline, then I'll start up book two. I'm giving myself around two months before I'll just get back into writing either way. 

I would really like to go back and try and animate some of the scenes in this book. Been messing around with an animating software. If I get any good at it (And I get models that half look like my cast) then that's the first things on the list to do. 

I've also been working on an RPG game that is related to the story. it's mainly set in the slither of time before the kidnap of Natalie. If iIcan at least the demo mission done and polished then I try and announce it some were. 

(Here's the opening scene: (Kinda spoiler for book three???))

I may change the book title to simply Sorataki. That way I can have subtitles without making the name length look like a modern light novel lol. 

Beyond that, I have nothing much else to say. To any and all who have read this or who will read this, thank you very much for taking the time to read Soraitaki. 

In the next book, we will continue the journey of Natalie, Andrew and the others. So expect to see more action, more characters, more allies, more enemies, more feels, more world building and perhaps the most badass character that I've had the honour of writing to date. 

I'll see you on the flip side. 


The Demon Sword: SoratakiWhere stories live. Discover now