Chapter 19: Heads & tails

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11th/7th/2764, 10:04PM

Eleven days before Natalie and Andrew started their travel to Aqua falls, too far east stood a great radio tower thirty or so stories high. It was the property and neighbours to a city that knew on sleep. The crowning king of modern tech, in this world almost kicked back to the stone ages dubbed 'Old eastern city'. And beside it laid the equally lavish and advanced main base of the Golden dragons. 

Its skyline was abuzz with carrier ships and fighter jet activity. All checking in and out of the hive like base.

However within its sturdy walls on one of many emergency rooms laid a patient passed out on a patient bed. A youth in his mid-teens, pure white sheets adorn him from shoulder length onwards.

To the side of him sat a girl in his age pool, her freckled face numbed to the vast spectrum of pain and sorrow she has been exposed to in the past month. 

A heart-wrenching pain of helplessness only found in watching your friend and partner in crime bleed to near death constantly for days on end. Her helpless limbo for not being there for him in his hour of need.

Watching him phase in and out of stability, being told many times that he may not make it, and one day his body will give way. She reacted to all these emotions like one who's experienced them for the first time would. Shocked, pleading for help, mourning. Now that worst is averted, she's too awake to relax, but too drowsy to sleep.

Not that there was any warrant for one, for she was well aware of the talks that were taken place by the higherup's, she was certain that despite the best efforts of professor Nyumi their run was over.

Just the sheer thought of that made her heart heavy not just for herself but her friend mostly. Her purple coloured right eye and brown coloured left looked over to his left side before carefully removing the white sheet that covered his shoulders blades.

Except there was none.

A clear empty space resided around where one would imagine his left arm resting. A great sheet worth of band aid was wrapped around the wound which mummified him from his neck down to his midsection. From the unsettling lump that his arm once homed where faint patches of crimson seeping out of the bandages.

Slightly unsettled by the sight she tucks her shoulder length hair behind her head before looking around for a nurse to advise a change in band aid. It was all she could do for her friend in the end. A dozen blood bags lay waste to the sidelines packed in see-through plastic boxes as she walked on out to get help.

Her odd pony-tail that started at the crown of her head flowed with a length of hair far longer than what rests around her neck. She exits the room with it gliding along by her waist.

All the whilst stagnant in thought, after all they sacrificed, all the friends and family they turned on to be part of this organisation would he want to wake up in a world where he is nothing but broken garbage, tossed to the wayside?


"We cannot reclaim our losses on the newly disabled," One of four men said sitting to the far right along a long table, he looks down at the man wearing a white lab coat some distance across them.

Behind his thick lenses glasses, he narrows his tanned features frown in disappointment at the man standing before him.

The man wearing the lab coat, better known as Nyumi finds his eyes scanning the four people sitting opposite him, shimmers of white hairs stand out naked under his brunette strands from the powerful flashlight above his head exposing his middle-aged features.

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