Chapter 29: Revived tail

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Author's Notes: Ok so given how I decided to implement all the important characters in the story part the way through some scenes may not have gotten the screen time needed to be as effective. 

I have plans to rework the start when I finish book one for now just know that the person who's causing sudden storm clouds here is not Natalie but the one in questions is very much related to Natalie's powers as well as May. They have a complicated relationship and put simply their presence around May is nothing but bad news.

There are other things that will have better explaining in the completed version of this book but for now, I'll just leave it there.

For being a silent reader I dedicate this chapter to @JamesLester126.

My friend, keep being awesome XD

Spriiko remained stagnant atop his rock hard bed as his lifeless eyes gazed at the grey ceiling. Resting in his cold plain room he remained motionless, his mind wondering if this was how being lifeless felt he dared not move an inch.

This is how he had spent the latter part of his days since the briefing with the Dragons heads. Waking up only to lie there dormant, sleeping only to find his dreams trying to run him away from his waking nightmare.

His body felt weak due to lack of food but he did not feel hungry, for he was full. Stuffed to the brim with regrets and guilt that pained him to his core. To him, the days hardly mattered, neither did the pungent smell seeping off him due to lack of tardiness.

Because as far as he was concerned he was that smell, he was living garbage, garbage that was just waiting in line to get noticed just long enough to be discarded.

A knock of metal shifted his eyes towards his slider door. With the simple movement of the eye being the most physically active that he's been all day his numb demeanour shifted slightly to one of annoyance.

"Spriiko!" May called out in demand from the other end. "Stop being emo, you've got to eat something!"

The sound of a tray being pushed to the side singled to him that the food that was put there for two days before had been left enacted up until now.

Spriiko responds by returning his gaze back the ceiling. He was surprised at first, although this being the third time she visited his front door she had never talked with such commanding force. If anything her pleas were becoming more and more desperate, the time before she begged him to eat something before leaving the tray there.

It seemed like a new zeal had awoken within her. One that he never knew she had. Opting it being a short burst, however, he listed this on the category as a simple nuisance and continued to blank her.

"So that's it?! Two years of our lives and you're just going to flush it down the drain! All because you can't look past your own shortcomings!"

Spriiko hearing these words suddenly shot up from the bed in a fit of rage, he was about to vent, to shout back, give her a piece of his mind, but the stubborn pride in his silence prevented him from giving her the time of day. With the words stuck in his mouth, his neck veins popped out as he tried his best to hold himself, to hold the emotions. But the words she said cut deep, he cursed her silently for making him break his long moment of static stasis, for making his eyes swell up with tears.

Wiping them away in frustration he went back to laying on the prison-like mattress. As he rested back down he continued to mentally curse how she pushed his button, for still caring enough to give a damn about what she thinks.

Like a useless object he wanted to be free from all the burdens a living person shoulders, but now his mind was stuck on thoughts of May and what she may do next.

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