Chapter 41: Heavens law

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The body of Torus lays stagnant on the ground; a pool of blood soaked in by the soil forms a bridge between the corps two halves. Andrew seeing that his enemy is truly defeated buckled on his back as the fatigue overtook him. As the dark mist on this body subsided he panted frantically whilst he tries to collect himself. The shadow sword that impaled him once again fades into nothingness. His calming breaths were broken however by the sting of a sharp pain in his chest.

As he held his ribs he was pulled out from his turmoil by Natalie's hand resting on his shoulder. She looks downwards towards him as a flush of concern drew itself on her face. There were a number of wounds on him including a swell on the back of his head from the Toss he was given by Torus; it was mainly his tired muscles and pain within his chest that troubled him.

"Are you alright?" Andrew asked, pulling Natalie out of her lament.

Natalie hearing this pinched the bridge of her nose as she shook her head.

"That's my line," She said with a light sigh.

"Well I'm asking you because I'm fine,"

"Lier," she gripped into this shoulder a bit tighter in frustration.

This had Andrew protesting in pain due to squeezing his still aching muscle until he looked back and noticed her pained expression.

"Honestly, you always do this to me," she said, her horsed voice almost a whisper.

Andrew witnessing this side of her was overcome with both surprise and joy; although he knew she cared about his wellbeing it was nice to see her express it. With a light smile Andrew closed his eyes; nodding his head in surrender he averted his gaze.

"Yeah, I know..." he replied dryly.

"He's finally been bested, then that just leaves us with a good look over the bunker," Sophie said from over their backs.

She makes her way up towards them with Aaliyah and Darwin in toe. Aaliyah walks carefully with her hand still on her gut as to keep her newly healed wound from opening up whilst Darwin help support her walking.

Natalie seeing Aaliyah hurried the rest of the distance to confront her.

"You're an earth knight correct? Could you please heal my friend?" Natalie pleads with slight urgency.

Aaliyah just looked at Natalie dumbstruck for a moment before chuckling which made Natalie narrow her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said in-between breaths. "It's here I am barely keeping myself together and the first thing you ask me is whether I can patch up your partner?"

"I know I'm asking a lot from you," Natalie said weakly.

"It's no biggie, you gone and cut down the bastard that stabbed me and helped protect my home. It's the least I can do in return." Aaliyah said.

"As grateful as I am to hear that I'm afraid I got to pass that up until later," Andrew picked up drawing everyone's attention towards him. "I'm sure you don't want to keep the captives waiting for a second longer than they need to, so let's hurry up and-"

He tries to stand back up but after feeling the world spinning around him fell down to one knee in a daze. Natalie moving over to support him lets out a frustrated grunt soon after.

"Stop pushing yourself, you need to heal!" Natalie protested.

"But, I still have a duty."

"I hate to break it to you but you will be more of a hindrance now than a help," Darwin said.

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