Chapter 39: Dark spot

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The swelling of gathering storm clouds casts a shadow over the town of aqua falls as dark as night. As the blanket of thick clouds blocked out all signs of the sun more the people down below look on wards with a mix of marvel and fear.

Like a storm in a teacup, the weather to them was alien, It loomed above their heads, knowing that it was conducted by their ally in order to defend their homeland still did little to comfort their growing worries.

As some watched with gawking eyes and others panic as the built up clouds began the flicker and spark with an immense pulse of power. The sounds of their questions and cries could be heard as whispers to the winds in Natalie's ears all melting together into a stew of anxious noise.

But she did not let that distract her; even the aggressive cries of the sky walking demon failed to pull her out from her Zen-like state. Knowing that her feelings drive her powers she concentrates on doing nothing more but harnesses them, to hone and funnel them to her better tap into her abilities.

With them responding to this in kind she slowly raised her arm towards the sky. The next key to using her powers was having a strong mental image of what kind of thunderclap she wants trigger in the back of her head. Almost like willing it into existence she had to have a solid conviction that she can send down a strike of lightening. Almost as certain that she can move her own fingers or take a step.

Because of this, she's found swinging her arms, snapping her fingers or stomping her feet were a great muscle memory gesture to help summon an impactful thunderclap although she's reached a point where she can pull off one without so much as a moving an inch even if only just about.

With her hand in the air, she envisioned that she was sending all the things that have stirred her core from her past, to present day she pictured them all and envisioned them being released into the growing darkness that stood over the sky.

The time she almost tasted death, the struggles and trials she underwent just to get back home. The pain she felt when she found her parents were no longer there to greet her.

The guilt, the regrets, the sorrow, the need for revenge.

Each bump and curve in her life released to the heavens, all forming the swelling in the sky.

The black spot began rattling and flashing in an almost out of control manner.

The final key to effetely harnessing her power over the storm was to have a strong goal in mind, she had to picture it almost as if a sure vision of the future as if it's already happened and she's just going through the motions to reach that vision.

Natalie now having opened her eyes to the sound of the Jinnchilopoda cry for vengeance filling the air found this last condition was very hard to overlook.

Wanting to save the town for Andrew's family's sake and to stick it to the people who organised this were her two most vivid forecasts. The black flickering bulb made of cloud crackled in a overcharged and almost sentient manner as it was all posted to unleash an earth shattering bolt.

In its angered state the Jinnchilopoda went right after Natalie. It's gigantic wall of flame came raining down upon her. Unfazed by this, however, Natalie with a snap of her finger unloads the mighty build-up of pitch black storm clouds upon the demon.

The strike that fell upon it was so immense that of beamed down more as an erratic laser than a thunderclap. A thick beam of electricity tore a hole through the descending Jinnchilopoda from its tail all the way down to its mouth thus burning out its insides along with all signs of life that it once showed.

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