Chapter 28: The rat & the weasel

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23rd/07/2764 5:02 AM

Within the cold stone walls of a make shift command room a disgruntled man drenched by rain bursts his way into the building drawing all eyes off there monitors and onto him. Panting heavily and wearing clothes so unlike the formal white uniform that the others in the room where his eyes darted around the room at the unified outfits desperately looking for someone. 

"Where is the commander?!" he barked desperately startling some of the men in the room. 

"Master Torus recently retired to his sleeping quarters," one of the men in the further back of the dingy room only lit up by monitoring screens said. "You know what he's like when his sleep is disturbed, can't it wait?"

The drenched man clutched onto a folded up newspaper in conflicting frustration. Weighing the two evils his demeanour strengthens as he suddenly makes strides towards his master's chambers.

As this very same newspaper is opened in Torus hands he brews over its front page content silently. A thick tension fills the air as the colour around his master's face grew redder with each passing second. This intense atmosphere, however, was only softened by the long silky bed robe and fluffy red slippers that his master was wearing at the given time.

"And you say that this was also confirmed by my peers?" Torus he said with gritted teeth, eyes still reading through the paper.

On the page a rock face with its lid blown off spewed out an intense flame to reveal the man made room within it. In the same frame lied a topple down gunner jeep bearing the crest of the golden dragons.

The messenger's coat still damp from the rain remained kneeled down however looked up with assertiveness to reply to his leader.

"Yes! It is just as Epimetheus told it. The divine message to our enemies, we truly are advancing to the next phase of the plan."

This pulled Torus over his better judgement, for the past two days he's been teasing with the idea of igniting the conflicted between him and the dragons, but the more he mulled it over the more he talked himself out of it. Telling himself that perhaps Epimetheus plan all along was to make him be the bait by triggering him into making an unwise move.

But now as he looks at this piece of paper he is struck with a sense of mockery. As if this was his own little way of calling him out on being unable to follow-through. He recalls him speaking of allowing Cancer to deliver the message. Knowing the sheer destructive force of third in power among the stars he understood how and why the base was blown to such carnage.

Such destruction was only possible through means of a huge bomb or the power of Cancer's lofty abilities. And yet again he is reminded how low in the pecking order he is in comparison to his peers. Again he is being outshone by a younger member of the group.

He will take this no more. Right after this epiphany he took note of the rain water on his messenger's clothes.

"Has it been raining out there?" he said as his eyes turned into slits.

The man taking note of his dampness agreed in a disgruntled manner.

"It has been on and off these past couple hours, some subsiding as soon as they start. Odd since even in the land of rivers it never rains this frequently."

B67. She's here, his mind concluded bitterly.

"Have the -Bait- ready," he said in an authoritative tone, standing up off his mattress he walked to his wardrobe to get dressed. "I'll show them fools how to send a real message."

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