Chapter#15:"Lance's Love"

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Tina's POV:

I was so jet legged, I hate it, I hate the stress, the tiredness, I hate my life, I was in my spare room in a hotel,

my dad owns this hotel by the name of "The palace", it is one of the most expensive hotels in the world,

Daddy is really popular among business sharks and all, he runs alot of businesses and chains of hotels,

I wasn't actually that jet legged, I was tired of being a damsel in distress,

my phone rang, I jumped in fright,

it was him, my future husband, my love, my other half, my devil soon to be husband, my monster, my nightmare, I wiped my tear which escaped the prison of my eye,

"Why did you took so long to answer love?", he asked, command was in his tone, I shrugged,

"Um darling I was in the washroom",

"oh I hope you are feeling well should I pick you up?",

"No, I am good, I just need some rest",

"well you are in my home town Los Vegas, darling, I am picking you up in 10 mins get ready", he cut off the line, the last time I made him mad,

he slapped me, I still have the redness, it was three weeks ago, I try my best to not make him mad at all,

I want to tell Papa but I am scared, Lance's dad is Papa's friend, he would never listen to me, he once told me be nice darling, he is your future husband,

when I first met Lance, he was in a well tailored suit looking as dashing as ever,

he had a smile on his face, had an aura of authority and power around him, I was quite impressed by him,

everyone feared him and sadly now I know why, I applied more high definition makeup; concealer, foundation, some translucent powder to set it, I was ready,

applied some gloss, I wish I had found someone as caring and loving as Caesar, he treats Barbara like a Queen,

I walked out of my room, girls were sitting with the Johnson bros they all were happy and laughing, how they were so blinded by my misery,

my silence was screaming but they couldn't hear a thing, how could they, I suffocated my voice by myself, when I met Lance.

I murdered it, cause it tried to talk bad about Lance and he found out, that was the day he took my virginity and I was left helpless, lying at one place for hours,

everything was dark, that was the last day I smiled happily,

"where you going Tina?", asked Barbara, she was sitting with Caesar who was smiling at me,

"I am just heading out with Lance",

"Oh Lance", I heard laughter, I smiled while looking down, I wanted to scream I am not happy!, save me!!!, please can you hear me but I couldn't,

"when will you be back?", Taylor asked, boys were smiling,

"It doesn't matter, take your time love, say hi to Lance for me", Katrina said while touching my hand, she sat beside Randy, please Kat stop me!, help me!,

she always finds out about everything but my camouflage of a happy woman was too real, I almost fooled myself too, I was desperate,

Just Another Mafia Story [Completed!]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon