Chap#10"Golden boy"

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Katrina's POV:
I woke up, stretched my arms in the air and smiled, I felt a little calmer than before, I slept amazingly, I was happy then I heard a knock,"Come in",

"hey sorry I disturbed you", Barbara said while closing the door behind her and sitting on my bed, her eyes were shining brightly like the sun, wonder what got her so happy, I smiled, "No its cool",

"um I have to tell you something," she said while biting her lips,

" hurry up, the suspense is killing me babe", I said in excitement, she chuckled and placed her hand on her mouth," I am getting engaged tonight with the man I love",

I literally body slammed her, she fell on the bed, I heard Laughter outside my room, all my sisters came except Karly and we hugged each other, I know we fight alot but we can't live without each other,

she was so happy, her eyes were filled with happy tears, Tina wiped them off, I held her hand, " that is great news Barbara I am so happy for you, who is the lucky man", I asked while winking, she was shy Aw,

"well he is a gangster", she said,  "oh a bad boy, hot", Avril retorted, we all rolled our eyes,

"you were not at home last night so I thought that I will talk to you in the morning", I was still holding her hand and gently squeezing it.

"Good now my day can pass amazingly, what's best than hearing about your sister's marriage", I said, "that she is pregnant",


"WHAT!!!" we glared at her,

"it was a joke babe I love you", she hugged Barbara,

"Alright girls I have bought all of your dresses from "La Adore", the latest line", we all squealed in delight, mother peeked through the door,

"for me too right, we laughed,

,"Yes, mother how can I forget you",

"Alright girls get ready for school" she left us after that, hmm she is busy, too busy, I am feeling excited,

"Don't be late girls, all of the makeup artists, stylist or whatever, will be here at 3:00, so bring your lazy asses back home early", she said, we smiled.

"you are not coming today?", Taylor asked in curiosity,

"of course not, I am getting engaged, I have a full beauty treatment ready for me in one hour, I cant just go, I have to look amazing, it's my day", she smiled and stood up,

we were all staring at her in admiration, she is getting engaged, she is so VIP right now, a little jealous, haha but love was more, she was looking like a princess,

"can we at least see his pic" Avril pushed,

"okay", she smiled and showed us her phone, we hurriedly grabbed it like hungry wolves ready to eat,

she laughed, he was hot tall, tanned skin, a little muscular but of a perfect amount, he was smiling, he looked nice, he almost looks like father but daddy has an aura of authority surrounding him, this man was simple and happy, he was the type Barbara would definitely go for, the simple less drama type,

"He is hot", we all said in unison, she blushed, Aw what love can do to a person,

"okay enough I am going, I am getting late, you girls hurry up" she ran out, she was getting red as an apple,

"you guys go ahead I will come a little late, I have something to take care of first ", they observed then nodded, they were out. I hurriedly went for a bath,

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