Chapter#38"He thinks he's Gangster yo"

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One week Later

In the boys room at Yakuza Mansion:

It's been a week, the environment is subtle, the war is still on the loose, boys are bored. some are sitting, some are lying on their beds, some are watching television, boredom has summoned our warriors,

"people killing, people dying children hurting I hear them crying, can't you practice what you preach...", Lea was murmuring a song while sitting beside Barbie who was talking on her cell phone,

Cross X enters....

"I am tired, I hate being locked up in a stupid room full of stupid not so social able people, I need some one who I can play with", Cross X retorts in frustration and falls face first on his bed,

"Stop wining Cross X be a little mature, you know it's dangerous out there", Rats tried to reason with Cross X,

"I think you are forgetting that my middle name is dangerous", Cross X responded,

"Did someone say dangerous?", everyone's eyes diverted towards the source of that weird question,

"Yes I did K", Cross X answers, K was standing in the middle of the room observing the anxious pup,

"Wanna go for a walk boy?", K cooed to Cross X with a smirk, who with a speed of lightning, got off his bed,

"Yes! yes! yes please I want to go for a walk", boys shared a laugh,

"But I thought it was hell outside", Cody asked with curiosity,

"It is but we have to survive don't we Cody", K replies,

"Cool, what are we going out for", Cross X asked while knotting his shoe laces,

"Our man is stuck in one of the buildings in downtown and can't get out, the humans know that he is a freak",

"I don't know why they call us freaks?", Paul cuts off K to which K just pets his back,

"Chill man it's cooler than being called a human",

"So we are going to save him", Cross X asked once again, K nodded.

"Yeah, we will take some extra men to do this job if you wanna tag along we are cool with that", said K while looking at his watch,

"Count me in then, I need some fresh air", Dash said while grabbing his jacket,

"Me too", said Cross,

"Count me in as well", said Ben while staring at Dash,

"Okay, I should warn you, you gotta be vigilant 24/7 when you are out there, it's a red zone, one wrong move you can end up in ashes, got it",

"Got it",

"Let's go",

The team has been chosen, the one's who dare to set foot on the hazard zone are Cross, Cross X, Ben, Dash, Paul and Brian, the trouble makers, the leading figures are K and E, with some of their men. The jeeps are loaded and headed for the city,

24/7 things are reported to Kazuya through a Bluetooth by K, his right hand, E is driving, The jeeps are in the city, not much of a crowd, roads are empty, the wind is sullen so as the surrounding,

smoke is hovering over some buildings, the smell of fire, ashes, blood is present in the air,

All men are alert, the destination approaches.

The jeep stops in front of a tall faded blue colored building, windows are half broken, it looks abandoned. E motions the gang members to check the location, be on look out while they go in,

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