Chapter#83:"Is there a doctor in the house?"

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The mayhem was over, Brian was forcefully brought back to the mansion by the gang members,

"What exactly were you thinking?", Jack asks Brian, who half sits half lies on the wooden chair, his mouth devouring something slowly, he is surrounded by vultures of morality,

he being the eagle of immorality seems to fly over their perspective boundaries of the world,

"Relax, I didn't cause any harm to our kind", he responds, his hand searching his pocket for his borrowed cigar case,

"there is no OUR KIND, you killed more than a dozen people mercilessly by crushing them beneath your tires or firing them aimlessly", Katrina argues,her arms crossed, her foot tapping away the anger, if only she could strangle him right now, she would definitely do it, this cocky jerk deserves it...

he smiles, "look Kat, I know you hate me right now but later you will thank me", he says while placing his hand on her shoulder,

"really, enlighten me please", she asks with a fake smile, he stands infront of her, "Army jerks + my car = happy Brian", he jokes,

She stands still, her eyes boring holes in his eyes, "okay you are angry, let me explain, If I kill those jerks then few jerks will be wandering on the face of the earth and causing trouble, they will get the signal that we are ready and we won't stay calm if they attack us, right", he smiles

"wrong! firstly it sends a message that we are playing unfairly, you only targeted the humans, secondly you provoked War", she points to the television broadcast,

all eyes shifted to the live telecast, "plainly it was clear that the person who attacked our soldiers was a freak, his name is mentioned in the recording and his hate is depicted in his conversation with the boy, he wants revenge, they are up for a fight", the Army officer stated firmly,

Brian puffs his Cigar uninterestingly, unaffected by every glare that is thrown towards him,

"due to the death of our honorable Mayor, we have elected another official, who has the same agendas as the belated Mayor may his soul rest in peace, he is a Martyr, he will be missed", The Army Officer wiped his crocodile tears away,

Avril rolled her eyes, "pathetic", The stage was clearing up for the replacement, who was creating suspense by not showing up on time to the stage,

"Shit! not him", K said in frustration, his hands trailing to his mouth in agitation, he passes Kazuya a look of discomfort, "Good evening fellow humans, I am doctor Venom Conrad", he smiled,

Everything became comatose, no one muttered a word, eyes locked, lips sealed, heart beat not hearable, only the sound of clock ticks like a bomb,

"Doctor Toxic", Taylor mutters, her lips quivering with fear, in their eyes the vile doctor stood as a grim reaper, with a black book in hand, his pen crossing their names one by one, laughs at his powers and say 'let the games begin',....

"they can't elect him, he's a killer,he hates us to the core", Lea shuddered,

The television blurts as a messenger, "My people, I will avenge my brother, he was a respectable man of honor, he had amazing plans for our earth but the angels took him to heaven too soon, he was not a human, he was an angel, a warrior of God, sent to protect us, us weak creatures", his head was low, people were crying their hearts out,

his teary eyes stared at the camera, "I know who took away our guardian angel and I will avenge my brother, no mercy will be shown upon to the pests who deserve to rot in hell, I will send them back under ground where they actually belong",

Just Another Mafia Story [Completed!]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin