Chapter#12"The squad time"

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Katrina's POV:

The dinner was over, we were sitting in our separate room which is more like a hall, it has a giant flat screen t.v which almost covers the entire wall, sound system, many different games like pool, Foosball, karaoke games etc,

it's kind of like our playroom, the whole squad was sitting plus Caesar who was caressing Barbara's hand,

"who are these three?", Avril asked Edger while eyeing the three lads sitting with us,

"they are also our brothers",

"what!!!?", all my sisters including me said in unison,

"how many guys are you actually?",

Taylor asked while counting them,

"We are total 7 in number", Sherlock smiled,

"How did your mother survived this process?",

"AVRIL" I hissed,

"the same way your mom did", Sherlock smirked,

"oh yeah I forgot that our mothers are pretty tough", Avril said in sarcasm,

"Maybe they just like big families", Wade suggested,

"Or maybe our dads are freaks ", Avril laughed,

"Ewe Avril",

Tina said while making a face, "Don't worry Tina you won't even have one",

Boys were amused as they were watching a catfight, Tina opened her mouth in shock,

"why not?",

"cause you are gonna die single", Avril said while staring her down,

"Avril apologize to your sis" Barbara scolded her,

" I am engaged FYI", Tina shot back,

"come on MOM I am just joking, take a chill pill", Barbara and Tina were glaring at her but she was unaffected,

she sat between the two new boys and winked at the cute one, he looked like a teddy bear Aw,

"Hey, cutie whats your name?",

"I am Evan so nice to meet you Avril", he had an English accent, Avril was really happy, she literally falls for every guy who is cute, sexy or a pure bad boy, I rolled my eyes,

"So how come we never met you before", she asked Evan,

" Well Avril I was in England with my grandmom, we three live with her",

"you have a grandmom?",

"yes Avril our father was also born from a woman", Randy said while using his phone to which Avril started processing something in mind, shit she is gonna say something stupid again...

"Why were they living with grandmom in the first place and not with you guys?", the question was not that stupid after all,

" well they were living with her from a very young age that's why you guys never met em, our Grandma was alone there, so now she is dead and there is no reason for them to stay there, so they came back and now they will live with us", Cody said while staring at them,

That actually made sense as Sherlock, Cody, Edgar, and Randy lived with us for a while a few years ago and their parents lived in some other country due to Uncle Daniel's work,

maybe that place was England, at that time there was less contact between my mum and my aunt both were extremely busy in their lives,

we nodded, "what are their names?" Karly asked,

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