Chapter#72"Surprise Surprise Mother F******s"

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Taylor's POV:

"Okay okay yeah, ahah, okay, bye", I was so busy with all the top secret party planning, it was quite hard to hide it,

If you have a sister like Avril then it gets worst, she was keeping an eye on everyone, I restricted everyone not to wish her, act like you don't know a thing, act natural, and Avril was really pissed about it, she even hit me with a ball, it landed directly on my head,

It was painful but it was worth it, she will forgive me when she sees the grand surprise we have for her, I have asked Cross and Cross X to take Avril out for a drive, well let me tell you in detail what my diabolical plan really is...

I let them wish her, she thinks they are the only one who knows it's her big day today, so she easily fell for my trap perfectly, they ask her to celebrate the day only with them,

She without resistance said yes but she was feeling quite gloomy about it, Aw don't worry baby you will kill me with love after the party.

Everyone is working hard for this amazing day, I am so happy, I have such a loving and supportive family

"Dee look I drew a heart for Avril", it was Austin, I literally strangled him in my hug, I like to give bear hugs to him, he never minds,

"Austin sweety, you better hide that, we will give it with the presents alright", he nodded excitedly,

"I am going to play in the garden Dee", "Okay, just be careful, stay in the zone I told you about alright", he ran away,

"Alright where was I?", oh yeah, I have bought Avril a present, it is a guitar but not just an ordinary guitar, it is signed by the one and only Wiz,

Avril is a hardcore fan as we all know, I bought it off a man who literally worshipped the land Wiz walked upon, he was really a snotty man with a stupid head,

But money talks, I made him an offer that he couldn't resist Viola, the guitar is mine... This was Wiz's first guitar, we found out he loved music well people call him Wizard of music, don't they,

"Taylor, all is set, the target has left the building", Rex came in,

"Good now we just have to prepare the nest", we ran downstairs, mom and my aunts were already in action. I was feeling so giddy, so excited, so so sublime, I couldn't actually comprehend the state I was in, it was a mixed sensation.

"Brian any news, please tell me, he is coming", he smiled,

"Everything is going according to plan, the eagle will land at 6:00, it was not that hard to get him, we are quite tight", he said smoothly, I raised my eyebrow,

"Okay fine I had to pay him extra plus threaten his manager", I laughed, "Thank you, Brian",

"Yeah... Yeah whatever, did you get the throne?",

"Right here", we saw Eric coming in after him were 3 to 6 men carrying the chocolate throne,

"Mmm yum, the smell is divine, I could just eat it, right now",

"Don't even think about it, it took the artist 12 hours to create it, giving it a game of throne texture or effect whatever it is called", we were admiring it,

"Just a nibble",

"BRIAN", me and Eric both yelled at the same time,

"Fine after the birthday, it's mine", he was smirking devilishly at the throne,

"What about the stick?",

"I don't know", Eric said while looking around,

"The chandelier looks awesome",

Just Another Mafia Story [Completed!]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt