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One year later,

A young woman walked up to a tuxedo suited blonde man standing at the podium. He smiled at the young lady who passed him a golden award along with an envelope. She smiled at him turned around and cat walked across the stage to back stage.

The man opened the envelope and beamed at the audience, he looked at the envelope again. A few seconds later, he leaned forward. He adjusted the mike and brought it closer to his lips.

'And the business award for youngest entrepreneur goes to.... Mr. Ahyan Malik, once again.'

As soon as Ahyan's name was announced the entire gallery burst into echoes of cheers and claps. Everyone cheered and clapped but not more than Ahyan's family who are seated at the round table near the stage.

Ahyan got up, buttoned his coat, and smiled as the photographers as they clicked his pictures. He then extended his hand taking Mahdia by surprise. She looked at him and he gestured her to take his hand. Mahdia felt shy and nervous as she and he walked towards the stage, their arms locked together.

Ahyan took the gold award and walked towards the podium. The blonde man shook hands with Mahdia and gestured her to stand with her husband. She nodded and stood by Ahyan. He smiled at her and then looked front, adjusting the mike he looked towards the round table where his family were seated.

Mariam, Mrs. Siddiqui, Mr. Malik, Mrs. Malik and Zaynab. He then looked to his right, the most important person in his life stood beside him, his wife.

Ahyan cleared his throat and began, 'I am very honoured to receive this award for the second time,' he paused and everyone clapped again, after the clap died down he continued, 'I had worked very hard for this but it wouldn't have been possible without my family and my wife, Mahdia,' Mahdia felt nervous as the spot light fell on her momentarily. She smiled trying to not look awkward.

'I had met my wife Mahdia when I was lost, and she guided me. I met her when I was incomplete and she completed me. She made me realize that love is very important in life, it is like rain in an otherwise scorching heat. My life direction was only to work, she showed me other beautiful directions. Mahdia isn't just my wife, she is also my niece's aunt and my inspiration. I had seen how she struggled. She had single handily managed her own café, her niece, and her mother and that too effortlessly, confidently, and independently. I salute you, Mahdia.' He gestured a salute to her and Mahdia had tears in her eyes, 'I am sure like me many people present here, especially the girls will see you as an inspiration, dear.' He paused looking at the audience. He saw many nods agreeing with him, he then looked at Mahdia and said, 'I love you, Mahdia. Thanks for coming in my life. This award is dedicated to you, my love. For motivating me and guiding me.' Mahdia looked back, tears rolled down her cheeks -Happy tears.

Ahyan looked back at the audience, 'I would like to thank my parents for believing in me and giving me a chance. Also, Mariam for bringing colour in my life and Zaynab for being rock solid friend.' Ahyan then smiled and looked up, tears pricked his eyes as he said,

'I would also like to dedicate this award to my sister, Sadaf, who unfortunately isn't among us anymore but I am sure if she was here she would have been proud of her baby brother. Thank you, Sadaf. And I love you.' he then looked back at the audience. Quickly blinking back his tears, he smiled at them.

There is silence for few seconds, but Zaynab followed by Mariam broke the silence by clapping first. Everyone then followed and the entire gallery echoed with claps. Ahyan walked towards Mahdia. She smiled at him and hugged him tightly, he hugged her back.

'I am so proud of you, hubby darling.' Mahdia whispered into his ear and he smiled.

The claps grew louder.

As Ahyan and Mahdia walked towards the table hand in hand, paparazzi caught them and insisted they clicked photos. Which they happily obliged. After few clicks, Mahdia suggested they clicked pictures with the entire family.

Ahyan and Mahdia stood in the centre with Mariam in front of them. Mahdia's one hand around Ahyan's waist and other hand on Mariam, Ahyan's one arm around Mahdia's shoulder and one on his father's who stood beside him. Mrs. Malik and Zaynab on Ahyan's side and Mrs. Siddiqui on Mahdia's.

As the photographers clicked the photos, Ahyan titled his head and looked to his side, at his niece's aunt who is also his wife and love of his life. Mahdia looked at him, at her prince charming. As they smiled at each other their photo got clicked. The precious moment forever captured.

----------------------------------------THE END-------------------------------------------

That's all folks. This amazing journey comes to an end. Ahyan and Mahdia bids you all a final goodbye. Drop in your precious comments for them.

Thank you all for being part of this journey, loving and at times hating the characters, enjoying the story, connecting with the characters and encouraging me. Thanks for all your love.

This story ends, another begins shortly, probably next week, Come fall in love once again, it is a sequel to book obsession so guys plz read that book first in order to enjoy the prequel better... 

MY NIECE'S AUNT (COMPLETED)✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ