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Ahyan noticed Mahdia behaving oddly. He had wanted to ask her since long but resisted himself. Once again, he ignored the feeling the focused on the salad he had ordered. Mahdia is fidgeting with her fork as she poked her chicken piece.

'You fine?' he asked after a while. Mahdia looked at him, she looked dazed. She shook her head and forced a smile. She got back to her food. Ahyan frowned, maybe he is over imagining things.

As Mahdia climbed down the cab, her heart pounded inside her chest, why is taking her to show the rooms? Is he planning to get laid in one of the rooms? She followed him silently. Ahyan turned around, he is little agitated as she is walking too slow. He extended his hand and held hers. She gasped and jerked his hand, he is stunned.

'Sorry, sorry.' She apologized. Ahyan felt annoyed.

'If you aren't interested then you can leave?' he said and then added, 'Crazy of me to take you along.'

Mahdia felt bad for upsetting him, she didn't want to upset him but then after the conversation with Lydia, she is very paranoid.

'Sorry, Ahyan I was thinking of...Mariam, her exams are approaching. That's all.' She said. Ahyan seems to buy the excuse as his expressions changed to a soft one. He placed his palm on her shoulder and she cringed, he quickly moved it away. She smiled awkwardly at him, he forced a smile.

'Don't worry, she seems to be a bright girl. She will excel.' He assured her. Mahdia looked at him surprised, 'How you know?'

'I know.' He sounded confident.


Mahdia felt nervous as she followed Ahyan into one of the room. But her nervousness vanished when she saw the room.

'Wow!' she exclaimed looking around the room that looked like a mini apartment.

Ahyan turned around and looked at her, 'Come in.' he urged her. Mahdia hesitated for few seconds before leaving the door and entering in, the door closed behind her.

Ahyan pushed the curtain apart revealing a beautiful French window. Mahdia peeped out when Ahyan said confidently the view is amazing. It was amazing all right, one can view the busy square from here. Mahdia smiled. Ahyan opened the window, the cool breeze hit them and they shivered.

The bathroom was also huge. But since the building hasn't been used for many years everything was dusty, a little cleaning up and everything will be good as new.

'Amazing, right?' Ahyan said walking towards the main door. Mahdia nodded in agreement. She smiled looking at him, once again he was transformed into a little kid as he showed her around. He also listened to her opinions making note of few and that made her feel important.

'Shit! The door is jammed.' Mahdia froze as she heard him. Door, jammed? That means they are locked inside of a deserted hotel.

Mahdia looked at Ahyan wide-eyed, he is pulling the door with full force.

'I...will...try...' she stammered. Ahyan left the door knob and gestured her inviting her to try it. Mahdia's hand trembled as she placed her hand on the handle. She pulled the door, nothing. She pulled it harder, so hard that her clammy palm slipped from the door knob and she fell back. Ahyan was quick to hold her, she fell into his arms.

Mahdia stared into his eyes, his arms wrapped around her waist. He stared back. Suddenly, she remembered Lydia's words and quickly straightened up.

'Sorry.' She said adjusting her jumpsuit. Ahyan frowned.

'Mahdia, I am noticing something wrong with you? and I know it has nothing to do with Mariam.' He sounded serious.

Mahdia gulped – busted.

She looked at him and tried to sound confident when she said, 'What do you feel for me, Ahyan? Is it love or just attraction, time pass?'

Ahyan blinked at her confused, he took few seconds to compose himself and then looked at her.

'Come.' He extended his hand to hold hers but she moved her hand back and he retracted his hand. He sighed, 'First let us get out from here?' he said. Mahdia is little confused if he wants to come close to her and has made this excuse to execute the plan then why is he spoiling it by calling someone. As she watched him open the window and look out she realized maybe he canceled the plan because she found out? Mahdia shook her head, what is she thinking? She had never felt uncomfortable in his presence even before knowing him but now after knowing him just on Lydia's words, she is judging him? Lydia had asked her to be careful but not paranoid.

She snapped out from her thoughts when she heard Ahyan's voice call out to someone walking out.


So guys, how did you find the Chapter? Mahdia is being very Paranoid, Ahyan guessed something is wrong. Will Mahdia tell him why she is behaving oddly? What you guys think he will say to this?

Do tell me your opinion in the comments.

MY NIECE'S AUNT (COMPLETED)✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang