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One month passed, everything was going smoothly. Mariam had almost adjusted to new place and school. Mahdia and Ahyan had come closer than before. Zaynab and Mahdia had become good friends, still at times Mahdia missed Lydia. Once on the phone call, Lydia had promised to come visit them in India. Their Reunion one month back in Paris was very emotional one. Mahdia had felt very nostalgic visiting her café. She had even worked in the work station reliving old memories.

Mrs. Malik and Mahdia had also bonded well. Mrs. Malik had visited Mrs. Siddiqui and the two women bonded well, they understood each other's pain well as both had lost their children.

The only problem was Mr. Malik. He was not willing to give Mahdia a chance. He had cut himself off with everyone in the house. He had become snappy and angry with everyone. Reluctantly, everyone distanced themselves from him too. Mahdia had initially tried hard to impress him but failed miserably as he kept rebuking her.

One day, Mahdia hurried back towards the home leaving behind her car in the driveway. She double checked her purse, an important document missing. Today a health officer is coming for inspection and she is nervous. As she entered the mansion her eyes widened and mouth dropped open.

Mr. Malik lay at the foot of the steps unconscious.

'Dad!' Mahdia rushed to him, 'Ajmal Kaka, Ramu Kaka, Vimala.' She called for the butlers as she tried moving Mr. Malik, he was too heavy for her. She held his arm and tried making him sit. The butlers came and looking at them they rushed towards them.

Mahdia panicked, she is alone here with an unconscious Mr. Malik. Mrs. Malik is out shopping with her friends, Mariam at school and Ahyan is in Mumbai.

The butlers held Mr. Malik and carried him to the sofa. Mahdia brought her fingers to his nostrils and is relieved when she felt his breath.

She quickly fished out her phone and called the ambulance.

'No one will tell anyone about this, okay?' she ordered all the butlers and they nodded. Mahdia didn't want anyone to panic.

Soon the ambulance came, faster than usual because a millionaire was involved. Mahdia followed as the compounders carried Mr. Malik on a stretcher. She sat beside him in the ambulance.


Mahdia paced anxiously outside the ward corridor as the doctors checked Mr. Malik. She was in two minds if she should call Ahyan. She had called Rajeev, manager of the café, to handle the food inspector as she is caught with an emergency. She had also asked him to collect all important documents from home. So, that is taken care of. She went through her call log, her hands trembling. The image of an unconscious Mr. Malik lying lifelessly at the foot of the stairs is scaring her.

As she was about to call Mrs. Malik the doctor came out from the ward and she rushed to him.

'Mr. Malik is taking too much stress, Mrs. Siddiqui. He has become weak also. At this age, he is needed to be taken care properly. He had a minor cardiac attack, he is fine now. But I am prescribing these medicines. Get them, okay?' the doctor said.

Mahdia nodded taking the prescription from the doctor. She is relieved that Mr. Malik is fine. She had an urge to meet him but she didn't dare lest his conditions worsen.


Ahyan had panicked when she called him and informed him everything but she assured him that she is going to handle this. Ahyan trusted Mahdia but he was concerned for his father and so he booked the evening's flight to Delhi.

Mahdia had gotten almost all medicines from the hospital pharmacy except for one. Mrs. Malik and Zaynab had come to the hospital as well. Mahdia handed them the medicines and said, 'I need to look for this one. I will get this and come'

'I will come with you.' Zaynab said standing from her seat. Mahdia shook her head and held her hand, 'You be with Mom, okay?' she gestured towards Mrs. Malik's worried figure. Zaynab nodded her head.

Mahdia spend two hours searching for that one medicine. Driving from pharmacy to pharmacy and once getting lost thanks to confusing Indian roads and google map short cuts. Finally, she managed to find the medicine.

She hurried through the corridor and towards the ward. She is sweating badly and is also red faced. She is exhausted but that doesn't deter her quick steps.

'Here.' She huffed entering the ward. But she stopped when she noticed all three pair of eyes on hers. Mr. Malik, Zaynab and Mr. Malik. It is then she remembered she wasn't supposed to face Mr. Malik.



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Next chapter is last part :(

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