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Mahdia rang the doorbell, her mother opened the door with a smile. Her daughter is on time. But her smile turned into a frown as Mahdia forced a half-hearted smile. She ran into her room. Mariam is startled as Mahdia stormed into the room. She dashed into the bathroom and locked herself in.

Mrs. Siddiqui entered the room, she looked at Mariam who shrugged.

Mahdia leaned against the door, she wanted to dance, yell. She hummed a tune while undressing. She untied her hair she pushed it back. She washed her face and as she wiped her face her fingers paused at her lips. His lips were so, so close to hers. She had felt his warm breath, she had smelled his strong manly cologne sending tingling feeling inside her.

She quickly stripped her inners and wore her night shirt and Pajama, she tied her hair in a bun.

'Are you all right, Maddy?' Mariam asked eyeing her aunt suspiciously. Mahdia smiled mischievously. She turned around, Mariam frowned as she locked the door.

'Mariam, my dear.' Mahdia engulfed her in a tight hug almost choking her.

'I am in love, Mariam. I am in love.' Mahdia said lifting Mariam off her feet.

'Wow! Who is it? I want to meet him?' Mariam said happily as Mahdia twirled her niece around.

'Sure, I will bring him tomorrow to your school. You can meet him after painting classes.' Mahdia said. Mariam nodded her head excitedly.

'OMG! OMG!' The two girls gushed happily.


Mahdia frowned staring at her mobile. Lydia placed her baking tray inside the oven and looked at Mahdia.

'What happened, Maddy?' she asked pushing behind strands of hair behind her ear. Mahdia looked at her, clearly distracted.

'I am trying to call Ahyan from the past one hour but he is cutting my calls.' Mahdia said sounding disappointed.

Lydia smiled placing her palm on her shoulder, 'Relax. He must be busy with his meeting.' She said.

Mahdia shook her head, 'Ahyan said to me last night that they have bagged the deal, just some formalities but that is later in the evening. Now, they should be free.' Mahdia said biting her lower lip. Lydia thought for a while, she then suggested, 'Call Kumar.'

Mahdia nodded and quickly began searching for his name in her contact list.

'Hello, Mahdia!' Kumar's over-excited voice chirped from the other side. Mahdia had always liked his enthusiasm but today she felt irritated.

'Hey!' she said in a small voice.


Ahyan emerged out from the bathroom, he had just taken a bath. He felt relaxed without Kumar's presence in his room. He smiled to himself recollecting how he had manipulated Kumar to venture out on his own while he will stay in the hotel room and relax, or perhaps work. He had been working since morning, but then decided for a relaxing bath in the jacuzzi. He lit up a smoke and relaxed in his chair, he felt lazy to change and so remained with a towel wrapped around his waist, no one is here anyway. He threw his head back, his leg stretched at the table, one on top of the other. He took a smoke, his mind wandering back to Mahdia. He didn't like that she hadn't protested last night when he was to kiss her, is it possible she has a crush on him. Thinking carefully about her and their previous meetings he came to realize that she indeed has a crush on him. Her blush, the shyness, the tugging of her hair behind her ears, the nervousness, he got the hint. He decided to not encourage her, he doesn't want her to go through a heartbreak. That is why he had been avoiding her calls and texts since morning. He felt guilty though.

There is door-bell, Ahyan groaned putting off his cigarette, he hoped it isn't Kumar. He opened the door and found a young girl dressed in lime yellow chiffon cold shoulder top and white jeans.

'Mahdia!' he said

Mahdia stared at his body wide-eyed before fainting. She fell flat on her back. Ahyan panicked.


Oh, guys, Mahdia fainted, what next, guys? ;)

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