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'Hello, Nathan.' Lydia faked a smile while Mahdia didn't even bother doing that, she rolled her eyes.

'Hey!' Nathan looked at Lydia as though he has just noticed she too was standing here.

Mahdia said something about having some work back at the workstation, Nathan stopped her by calling her name. Mahdia groaned inwardly. But stopped. She looked at him and forced a smile after all Nathan is a frequent customer in her café. Ever since her tough competition now every customer counts, even the annoying ones.

'Hey, Lydia can you excuse us I want to talk privately with your madam.' Nathan smiled looking at Mahdia, annoying her further. She clenched her fists tightly behind the counter, she is trying to have self- control by constantly reminding herself in her head that he is the frequent customer and every customer counts.

'Oh-okay!' Lydia smiled, before leaving she winked at Mahdia who simply glared at her friend.

'Yes, how may I help you, sir?' Mahdia sugar coated her voice forcing a smile at Nathan. He smiled and leaned forward.

'I have something interesting for you.' he smirked. Mahdia didn't say anything, she looked on. He gave her few seconds to react but getting no reaction from her, he continued.

'I know about your problem,' he glanced back at the American café and then back at her, she looked on with a poker face.

'And I have come here for the solution.'


'Look babes.'

Don't call me babes, Mahdia thought angrily.

'I know you have an old mother and a little niece to take care of, also the rent. I know it all.'

'Excuse me, I don't want talk anything about my personal life.' Mahdia said annoyed. She flashed a small smile and turned to walk away when Nathan held her hand. Mahdia's eyes widened on seeing his audacity. She looked around, no one seems to have spotted them.

'Sir, what are you doing?' she said sounding appalled. Nathan smirked not letting go of her hand. Mahdia wanted to slap him but she knew he is a very reputed businessman and a millionaire. She must control herself, lest he shuts down her café.

'Ever since I had seen you, I had a liking for you. I had two reasons to come here, one was the awesome cappuccino you guys serve here and other is you. Mahdia. I am in love with you and want to marry you. Will you marry me?' he said flashing a smile.

Mahdia blinked at him.

She had always been the type of girl who had swooned over businessman falling in love with a simple girl, much like herself, but there is a difference between those men and Nathan. A woman has special sixth sense, like a super-power, they can tell the intention of men by the way they look or touch them. And judging by Nathan's way of looking at her and touching her despite knowing she isn't comfortable with it, he isn't in her in her good books. Plus, he is very snobbish and arrogant. She had seen him flaunt his money and fame, also behave arrogantly with waiters and eye other women.

Mahdia isn't keen in marrying such a man.

'Sir, please. This is not the time nor the place.'

Her eyes widened when he placed a solitaire ring on the counter.

'Say yes, Mahdia. You won't get a better. Woman die for this.' He smirked.

Mahdia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she opened her eyes and stared into his eyes with confidence, 'then give it to them who are dying for it.' she jerked her hand free from his grip. He looked shocked, clearly, he has never been rejected before.

'I am sorry, Mr. Adams. But I am not interested.' She said.

Nathan clenched his jaw, it seemed like he is controlling himself from breaking things or perhaps Mahdia's face.

'Is that your...'

'It's my final decision. Now, May I suggest these baronies, they are our spe—'

Nathan didn't let her complete, he slammed his fist on the counter, she flinched, 'You haven't heard the last of me.' he hissed. Turning around he walked away.

Mahdia watched him go, but instead of getting scared or worried she felt relieved and proud for standing up for herself.

MY NIECE'S AUNT (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now